Pose Reminds Us That “Love is the Message”
Dammit, Pose. Do you have to make me cry every week? The show knocks me down and picks me back up, and this week was one of the best and most polished episodes thus far. Janet Mock directed “Love is the Message,” the first trans woman of color to direct an episode of television, and if this episode is her first, I can wait to see where she goes from here.
This week started where last left off. Patty has a lot of questions about Angel’s relationship with Stan, more once Angel tells her that she’s a trans woman. Angel has questions about Stan too, but also about what she felt when he gave her what she thought she wanted. Both women love him, but they both also seem to be realizing that just Stan isn’t enough in life. They want something more. After getting tested for peace of mind, Patty confronts Stan about his relationship and tells him that he’ll be moving out of their house and she’ll be going back to work. Stan feels railroaded, but then is reminded that these are consequences for his own actions. I don’t stan Stan, but it’s hard not to feel sorry when he breaks down about his own questions about what he wants in life and his feelings for Angel. When he finds Angel at the end of the episode, it’s don’t know what to feel or hope for.
House Evangelista
Blanca gets a chance for some play, and is flattered and interested, but ultimately turns Darius down when she finds out that he’s stepped out with several of the ladies she knows. It looks like our mother might be ready to get back out in the world though.
Pray Tell
The big story this week was Pray Tell with an amazing performance (as always) by Billy Porter. Pray’s a little out of control and in a rut as Costas’ health fails. He lashes out at House Evangelista when they try to intervene, but ultimately comes back to Blanca for comfort. Depressed by the dreary hospital environment, he enlists Blanca to sing with him in a cabaret. I have been waiting to hear Billy Porter sing, and it was worth it. Afterward Costas tells Pray that he knows he’s dying and that Pray is positive, but Costas makes him promise that he’s going to go out and embrace life once he’s gone. I am in no way doing justice to how powerful this scene is. After Costas dies, Pray keeps his promise with celebration and Diana Ross. In one of the most moving scenes in a series filled with touching moments, Pray talks with Blanca about his promise to find joy amidst the grief in an indifferent world. Ah, someone get me a tissue for these bittersweet tears.