How THE EXPANSE S3 Finale Performed a Real-Life Miracle
It is a truly amazing thing when moments of synchronicity happen. Light sometimes comes from the unlikeliest of places. The exceptionally well crafted science fiction series, The Expanse, gave us all a much needed anchor of hope in a increasingly uncertain present reality. The show’s uncanny relevance to modern times was noticed by fans since it’s inception, however the Season 3 finale took that congruity to absolutely miraculous levels. Below are my observations of the truths we can acknowledge in order to find some genuine peace in the midst of today’s chaos.
Amos and Anna
Amos: Why do you do it? (Help)
Anna: Because it needs to be done. I think that’s what most of my life is; Seeing what needs to be done and trying to do it.”
“On every side of this this there are people who have no reason to hate each other. Everyone here thinks they are doing the right thing. Everyone there thinks they are doing the right thing. If we get out of this we have to find a way to understand each other. To explain why we made the choices we did. It is the only way we can let
go of the hate.”
Hate is a burden. You don’t have to carry it with you.”
These two are the unlikeliest of allies. Truly the war scarred orphan Amos (Wes Chatham) and the ever hopeful, forever helpful Minister Anna (Elizabeth Mitchell) are polar opposites and yet, in the same moment, exactly the same. They both have been battered by life and each has discovered their own way of finding meaning and
purpose from that agony.
There is nothing so sacred and unifying as shared pain. If we take a moment to view each other through the prism of understanding instead of fear, we just might see our similarities outweigh the differences.
Holden and Naomi
Holden: “I’m sorry I drove you away. We have lost so much time together.”
Naomi: You didn’t drive me away and I’m not leaving again.
Holden: “Together till the end.”
Holden: “I love you.”
Holden: “I know you are trying to save lives. I am too, but we are on the brink right now because we keep reacting to things we don’t understand. We’re scared. We’re hurt and we are reaching for violence cause we can’t figure out what to do, but just this once, can’t we try something else.”
One of author Byron Katie’s most popular quotes is, “Forgiveness is just another name for freedom.” The previously estranged lovers, Holden (Steven Strait) and Naomi (Dominique Tipper) tonight revealed the transformative power of forgiveness coupled with the act of taking personal responsibility for their own actions.
May we all be so fortunate to learn the lesson of forgiveness sooner.
Anna’s Plea
“This is a dark time. I’m asking you to be brave with me.”
I understand what it is to fight for something, but I also understand how it can turn into blind hatred. I’m scared too. We still have a chance, but we have to do it together. I’m not sure how much longer we are going to be able to keep this going.”
Boy, that Minster sure knows how to preach when it is most needed! Her speech brings to mind a common quote often thought to be attributed to Einstien regarding insanity. Whether he penned it or not, the quote strikes the soul and guides it to true north. “Insanity is doing the same things over and over again while expecting different results.” If we want different results, different actions must be taken. I agree wholeheartedly with Anna’s words.
If enough of us were brave enough to make different choices together for good a massive shift in the right direction is inevitable.
The Expanse first three seasons can be found on Syfy.com. Moving forward, Season four will begin on Amazon Prime.
Need More of The Expanse? Check out all our videos and coverage here! If you liked this article see what Cas Anvar and Wes Chatham had to say about Alex’s Southern Sayings in an earlier video interview & our video interview with Thomas Jane !