Cloak & Dagger: 3 Big Questions after “Call and Response”
Ty and Tandy finally got together this week on Cloak and Dagger, and now we’re starting to unravel the mysteries surrounding them and their powers. Woven in with Ty and Tandy’s conversation to explore their connection, we saw the two reconnecting with their families. After weeks of buildup, we finally got some answers this week.
When are these two gonna figure out their dynamic?
In the church, Ty and Tandy compared notes to understand their powers. It’s clear now that the powers bring them together, but we also know that the two can’t touch without being violently forced apart. In addition to exploring their powers, the two work to understand the visions they’ve had, which forces both of them to explore some uncomfortable truths about themselves. Both have suffered as a result of the events of the past, but neither seems to appreciate the other’s pain. Much like with their powers, coming together leads to conflict between the two which pushes them apart again. As much as I enjoy the character development, we’re 4 episodes in and our main characters are not really connected yet. It’s possible that the push and pull of their relationship is an ongoing thing (as I mentioned before, I haven’t read the comics), but if that’s not true, it would be great if the show would get a move on. Also, IMDB claims that the two are discovering their powers “while falling in love.” Wait, with each other? Because Liam seems to have disappeared after Tandy ABANDONED him when he got arrested (yeah, I said it) and I’m not sure about Evita yet, even if she is super cute and charming.
Are Tandy and Melissa ever going to catch a break?
Now, I’m definitely with Ty in his argument that Tandy needs to check her privilege, but at the same time, dang, the girl cannot catch a break. She finally figures out that her mom’s boyfriend is actually a decent guy and making progress on their lawsuit. Unfortunately, it seems he’s made a little too much progress, leading to his murder. That’s bound to send Melissa reeling emotionally and is terrible news for their case against Roxxon. Although, we now know that he was on to something, and with Tandy in possession of some of his files, it looks like she’s at least got something to work with.
Who are the Johnsons?
This family seems so rooted in the city where they live. Sure, they live in a bougie neighborhood now, but it’s clear they come from the heart of New Orleans. Adina is involved in local politics, though with who is pretty vague. But this week we learned that Otis is a delinquent member of an Indian Krewe. I asked for some real New Orleans, and this is a place where the show could really deliver. Otis finally returns to his Krewe because he’s concerned about the direction Tyrone is heading. We get a glimpse of the elaborate costumes as Otis describes their significance and touches on the role of the Krewe in a person’s life. I love that they’ve drawn on the violent history of Indian Krewes and how they fit into the fabric of the community and didn’t just show us pretty costumes in a parade. That said, I cannot wait to see those costumes in action and hope that the Krewe isn’t just a one off (like voodoo seems to be at this point). I don’t think that’s the case because Ty has asked to learn so that he can complete his brother’s suit.
At the end of the episode, both Tyrone and Tandy seem renewed and ready to get busy. I hope that means we can expect a little more energy and excitement soon.
Cloak and Dagger airs Thursdays at 8/7c on Freeform.