Take Two: Thoughts on The Pilot
Take Two is a new ABC show from the creators of Castle. A few of the NiceGirls checked it out as A. We loved Castle and B. Who doesn’t love Eddie Cibrian, Rachel Bilson and Jordan Gavaris!
Leah’s Thoughts:
The Good
Oh hello there Eddie Cibrian. I really liked the chemistry between the characters. Rachel Bilson is adorable so that’s no surprise. I’m hard on pilots and I usually have many many issues, but this one was good. Set up all of the characters, gave us a going forward arch, was lighthearted with a slightly serious undertone, etc…loved it.
The Bad
I’ve got nothing….yet.
Rueben’s Thoughts:
The Good
I did a fangirl squeal when I saw Jordan’s name in the credits and then to hear him use a British accent, that sealed the deal for me to want to watch the show. I also found it funny that some of the dialogue shared between Sam and her manager while they were driving in the car, after getting Sam out of rehab, sounded very much like what happened to the cast of Castle (specifically star Stana Katic), and that TPTB behind the show were getting their digs in at the network through this new show. It was also a great little twist finding Sam using a disguise to help Eddie with his investigation. I thought that was clever.
The Bad
I really didn’t have any bad thoughts about the pilot, which is rare; but perhaps the stunt used by Sam in the opening scene. It was too choreographed, and then to have her re-use that move later in the episode, it was too predictable as the scene played out that she would use that move to save them.
Roz’s Thoughts:
The Good
I’m a sucker for Bilson and I do love a good awkward buddy show. So this pilot grabbed me with the woes of Bilson’s character and the strange bedfellows that need to be made for the sake of her career. Premises suck me in, and this one has me waiting for more to watch how much more we’ll find Sam as a fish out of water versus how much she’ll make Eddie learn from her.
The Bad
It feels like Sam’s always going to go undercover and that can get old pretty quickly I feel.
Ange’s Thoughts:
The Good
Confession: I’ve never actually watched Castle so I was going into this new series blind. I do love a light-hearted drama to break up all the serious dramas and superhero shows that I watch, so that coupled with the fact that the always endearing Rachel Bilson was back on our screens – Sold! The pilot certainly didn’t disappoint in the fun light-hearted area and the fact that Orphan Black‘s Jordan Gavaris is also in it (and with a British accent), looks like I’ll be strapping myself in and staying on for the ride.
The Bad
Don’t get me wrong, I am a big fan of Rachel Bilson’s and will pretty much watch anything that she is in but it felt like she’s playing the same fish-out-of-water character that I’ve watched her play in the last two shows she was in – Nashville and Hart of Dixie. It’s not the worst thing, but I wouldn’t mind seeing some versatility.
TAKE TWO airs Thursday 10/9c on ABC