RECAP: The 100 “Shifting Sands”
Things are getting even more intense on The 100, if you can imagine that? In this post-apocalyptic world that has seen more unbelievable rebirths, One Kru is on the warpath against the Eligius prisoners all for one primary goal: Shallow Valley – the last bit of green on the entire planet Earth. But One Kru has a big problem: their people are dying. They need food and water and the only place to get either of those basic necessities is in Shallow Valley.
But before the One Kru mission can get underway, Clarke – who has been living on the surface for the past 6 years and understands the territory far better than anyone else – warns them they are heading into trouble. To make matters worse (yes, there is worse), the prisoners are watching them from their drop ship, and have every intention of throwing down some missiles.
The only hiccup to this plan is that the prisoners think that Raven locked them out of their precious weapons. The real truth – one that I had suspected since last week’s episode – was that Shaw (one of the prisoners) was the real culprit behind the missile malfunctions. After letting Raven and Murphy [who were captured from the Eligius] be tortured, he came clean to them about what he did. Obviously, Raven and Murphy were pissed learning the truth, but Raven devised a plan that found Murphy running “free” into the woods where he was found by Emori, the rest of the Ark survivors and Maddie. [The best line from that scene was “who’s the Hobbit?]
Another problem arose, though, as the prisoners were able to scan Murphy’s movements and sent an electrical shock to his collar before he and the others could get too close to One Kru’s location, making it necessary for Murphy to stay behind. Surprisingly, his former love Emori chose to stay behind with him.
To make matters worse (yet got worse?), one of Octavia’s people was attacked by some kind of sand worms that ended up bursting out of his body like some kind of rip-off from the original box office film Aliens. They were forced to kill him and burn down the tent where the worms were slithering EXCEPT one of the worms made it into Octavia’s body. Gross, right? Thankfully, Clarke was able to stop the worm from getting into her bloodstream and trapped it inside of a glass jar. I’m going to guess they’re going to hold onto that creepy little thing for examination later?
Just as Octavia was saved from the worm, the Eligius prisoners sent down their missile and it looked like all was lost for One Kru, but – for once – Octavia listened to Clarke: they retreated to the sandstorm that had them trapped, holding on with everything they had to survive. Unfortunately, once the storm past many more of One Kru were dead or dying and they were no closer to getting Shallow Valley back.
The only good thing to happen was that Maddie and the rest of the Ark survivors caught up to Clarke, Bellamy and One Kru; Maddie and Clarke were reunited and so were Echo and Bellamy, but in that reunion created yet another problem: Octavia banished Echo and she was none too pleased to see her big brother kiss her enemy.
Given everything that happened in this episode, how much worse can it get for all of them? What do you think will happen next? Do you see One Kru defeating the Eligius prisoners? What will Octavia do to Echo and Bellamy? Please share your thoughts in our comments section below.
The next new episode of The 100 will air on The CW in two weeks on Tuesday, June 5 at 9/8c.
[Photo Credit: Katie Yu/The CW]