
4 Unlikely Life Lessons from THE EXPANSE ‘Reload’

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“Dead People don’t need their stuff.” – Amos

We’ve been teased about Amos Burton’s history before. One thing is for sure. His childhood must have been truly brutal. Amos doesn’t mince words and waste emotion on things that cannot be changed. He clearly learned early on to forget the past in order to survive. Those skills may have come at a terrible expense, but the truth is the truth. Life is too short to be spent looking backward.

The past is heavy. Put it down.

“Attempting to reassess.” – Katoa

The blue goo kid got one thing right! That sentence is the story of my life. The Meat Puzzle result at the end was shocking, yet effective. When life throws you a curve it’s always good to take a step back and reevaluate. However, we highly doubt your own musings will lead you down the same path as Katoa.

It’s never too late to start again.

“The hardest part of this game is finding out who the enemy really is.”
– Bobbie Draper

Bobbie Fucking Draper is one bad ass woman! Life can be confusing.This chick knows it and cuts right to the truth. Tonight Bobbie walked into the center a extremely volatile situation and faced it with grace, calm and wisdom. While everyone else saw unstable enemies, Bobbie saw three frightened kids who needed direction and a battle to fight.

Truth always reveals itself in the end.

“This is going to be very tedious if you remain this dim.”
– Chrisjen Avasarala

No one tells it like it is better than Avasarala. This woman wields words with the accuracy of a heat seeking missile. Every now and then we all need a slap of reality when being unreasonable.

A healthy dose of self awareness will transform your life.

Did anyone else notice the Killjoys cast crossover last night? It was delightful seeing Kelly McCormack on yet another of my favorite shows.
Kelly was cast as Zeph in last seasons Killjoys. You can check out our interview here.

The Expanse airs Wednesdays at 9/8c only on Syfy.

Need More of The Expanse? Check out all our videos and coverage here!   Check out our video interview with Thomas Jane   & our most recent interview with Cas Anvar!  Join with me ( @PxlWvr & @Nicegirlstv  ) this season as we live tweet the season.

• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at