LUCIFER Roundtable: All Hands on Decker
It’s Decker’s bachelorette party and Team Maze is up against Team Charlotte. Meanwhile Dan and Lucifer team up on a case.
1. Maze & Pierce, still the worst. Fake tattoo and lame party planning. Can you say “Backfire”?
Karen: Karma, amirite? And not only did Chloe end up backing off, now Maze and Pierce are at odds. Whoops!
Lisa: Maze pissed me off with that lame bachelorette party. So wrong! I’m glad Charlotte saved the day..well sort of. It definitely backfired on them both and I’m here for it.
Cay: I was amused by Maze trying to play “nice” – so out of character, but this whole episode was just dumb. No plot, just trying to provide some justification for Luci being funny and the women letting lose.
2. Amenadiel & Charlotte still working together. Still good for you?
Karen: Charlotte and the party bus? A resounding YES. And Dr. Linda getting a little happiness, a nice bonus.
Lisa: Yep. I’m down for it. I never thought of putting the two of them together but it worked in this episode.
Cay: Yep, I like them as a duo. I like Charlotte when she uses her skills for good instead of evil.
3. This episode seems to be about pairing up. Douchifer is back. How about these two?
Karen: I always enjoy when Dan and Luci go out together, and especially when they switch up roles. Dan’s getting better at adapting, and Lucifer seemed to “get it” quicker. I like that there’s some growth being shown.
Lisa: These two together make me giggle. It’s so awkward and genuine, I like their mild bromance. lol
Cay: The bromance was fun, even if the case of the week was completely pointless.
4. Amenadiel & Pierce have a “cone of silencio” immortal turned mortal club meeting. Did it do anything?
Karen: I would’ve liked more of that. It was very brief. The looks that Pierce gave during Amenadiel’s warnings though… I think he has second thoughts. Too little, too late?
Lisa: I agree. They could have expanded that a little more and I definitely think he is having second thoughts.
Cay: I think there is more to come. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to cross Amenadiel. Good angel or not, there is an air of danger about him if he were to get mad.
5. Chloe has called off the wedding and now Lucifer is relaxing. ugh.
Karen: WHY?? I mean, I’m glad she called it off, but why can’t Lucifer STEP UP? He needs to do something or someone is going to take that spot sooner or later. Besides, Pierce isn’t going to take this laying down.
Lisa: Yeah, Pierce looked pissed at the end. I’m glad she called off the wedding becasue I don’t think she should have ever agreed to it in the first place. Lucifer appears content as long as he is the only person taking up Chloe’s time. He won’t step up unless he feels threatened again. Typical Ugh…
Cay: the whole proposal and quickie wedding was the lamest plot EVER. Only Douchifer saved this episode in my mind.
6. Dan and Charlotte are BACK ON with a vengeance. Good?
Karen: omg. HAWT. Dan can GET IT!
Lisa: Holla! Yes, I am glad Dan is getting some action. He stepped up and shared his feelings and look how if turned out for him! Bravo!
Cay: Dan’s a glutton for punishment! He just never learns where Charlotte is concerned. How did he forgive her leaving him naked and compromised not that long ago?
Anything else?
Karen: The dog show storyline was pretty good this week. I was actually following it.
Also, the bus driver… I’m thinking she was a guardian angel. But she probably won’t be back.
The dialogue between Charlotte, Linda, and Ella at the party was PRICELESS!
Charlotte: Looking for booze?
Ella: Yeah. And Maze’s bong, and decent music, and a strapping naked dude with student loans and a dream.
Charlotte: Not on Maze’s itinerary.
Ella: Maze has an itinerary?
Charlotte: Yep. And I stole it.
Ella: Nail art, Mahjong, silent meditation?
Linda: Did you guys find the booze?
Ella: Exactly. We should be nipple-deep in Jager by now and playing pin the tail on Ryan Gosling. I can’t believe that Maze legit hijacked my bachelorette party.
Charlotte: You mean Chloe’s bachelorette party.
Ella: That’s what I said.
Lisa: I loved the party bus scene! It was fun to see Chloe let loose and Dr. Linda have a lil fun. And I am so down for Pin the tail on Ryan Gosling at the next Bachelorette party I go to. lol
Cay: Why the heck are veterinarians always portrayed so badly on TV? I know LOTS of vets, and that woman wasn’t the slightest bit convincing! I’d run for the hills if she showed up in the exam room!
LUCIFER airs Monday 8/7c on FOX