34 Thoughts While Watching The EXPANSE ‘Assured Destruction’
1. Avasarala. Needs to find a new day spa! Don’t think this one is 5 star rated!
2. Look at Bobbie go! Making Friends right off the bat! Let’s lock her and Amos in a room and take bets on who wins.
3. RAWR! LOOK at Amos’s arms! Bonus points for the ink!
4. Whoopsie! Looks like Alex found a woman who is impervious to his Southern Charm!
5. That may be a round table, but those dudes are not knights! I don’t TRUST them.
6. We’re saved??? Coytar doesn’t look happy.
7. Get your shit together Theo! Too late!
8. Protomolecule uptake. Say that one three times fast.
9. Whoa! That dude is his own nightlight!
10. Gimme some of that BLUE GOO!
11. Really enjoying learning more backstory on Amos and Alex. Thanks writers!
12. Mao still haunts everyone.
13. My heart smiles everytime Avasarala drops the F-bomb.
14. Once again an mention of Miller and Mao cuts like a knife.
15, Whoa! Avasarala brought out the “Mommy Card”
16. Holden can save me anytime!
17. “Those Marines are bad ass.” Damn right! OOH RAH!
18. Coytar isn’t pulling any punches! That mouth of his may get him in even deeper trouble!
19. Mei is ADORABLE! I want to hug her stuffings out!
20. Whoa! Alex’s call from home was BRUTAL and Painfully Honest. Love how this show shines a spotlight on the complexities of relationships!
21. “I have a sacred obligation to the people on this planet.” Look who grew some balls!
22. Amos and Avasarala make my heart smile!
23. Whoa! Amos knows how to walk in pumps! WE NEED THAT BACKSTORY!!
24. I do believe that is the first time Avasarala was actually speechless!
25. Did you see the look on Bobbie’s face? PRICELESS!
26. Alex’s Lasagna makes EVERYTHING BETTER.
27. And there is is….Avasarala and Naomi face off!
28. Fire! Knew he would cave! Ass hat!
29. Confirmed launch from target five. Right back at ya buddy!
30. 2 million casualties.
31. “We are torturing children.” Called it!
32. Love the continuing coffee theme. Fun stuff!
33. Whelp! Looks like Avasarala and Naomi won’t be braiding each other’s hair!
34. That was no “malfunction!” Errinwright did that on purpose to hurt Gillis. Epic uncool!
The Expanse airs Wednesdays at 9/8c only on Syfy.
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