7 EPIC One-Liners from The Expanse S3 Premiere!
The Expanse brought out the big guns tonight with the start of it’s junior season. From the beginning, fans immediately fell in love with the series amazing one-liners. Who can forget Donkey Balls? It is forever seared in our memory. The premiere of season three was no different. Check out my favorite lines from tonight’s ‘Flight or Flight’ episode.
1. “We were stronger together. Now we’re not.” – Amos
The Roci crew was stunned to learn about Naomi’s betrayal. When she admitted giving Belter Fred Johnson the protomolecule our favorite crew fell apart. Amos (Wes Chatham) summed everyone’s pain up perfectly. He was not about to forgive and forget.
2. “Il’l be right back.” Bobbie
Did you feel it too? I got the chills! Bobbie (Frankie Adams) totally channeled The Terminator with that delivery! The show creators did not lie when the said Bobbie would be the break out character in TheExpanse Season 3.
3. “Unless you have a better bad idea.” Chrisjen Avasarala
Cotyar (Nick E. Tarabay) and Christen Avasarala (Shoreh Aghdashloo) have some fantastic chemistry together. It takes a special kind of crazy to snarky bicker while under the immediate threat of death. I hope we get to see much more of these two together the rest of the season.
4. “You should try tea.” – Dr. Praxidike “Prax” Meng
We’ve all been there. Nothing feels better after a stressful day than going to a trusted source of comfort. Hoden’s first love has always been coffee. Holden’s Coffee Tantrum was well justified.
5. “I knew a guy like that once.” – James Holden
After Hoden’s epic coffee meltdown he opened up to the good Doctor. The two mused about the wisdom of fighting lost causes. With that one line, we all knew who he meant. Miller. Oh my heart! That hurt. I am still in mourning over the death of Miller.
6. “That does not mean that for one second that I do not love you.” – Alex Kamal
Can Anvar promised us in an earlier interview we would get more backstory on Alex. What he didn’t reveal was how much it would hurt. He made me ugly cry tonight with his video message home. Alex shared his heart to us in a way we have not previously seen. Truly this man has sacrificed much to fight for the cause.
7. “Hitch your tits and pucker up! It’s time to peel the paint!” – Bobbie Draper
After that line what more is there to say? Bobbie don’t play! She is the one woman who can stand toe to toe and trade barb for barb with Avasarala! The two together are lightning in a bottle. Brava ladies!
The Expanse airs Wednesdays at 9/8c only on Syfy.
Need More of The Expanse? Check out all our videos and coverage here! Check out our video interview with Thomas Jane & our most recent interview with Cas Anvar! Join with me ( @PxlWvr & @Nicegirlstv ) this season as we live tweet the season.
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