VIDEO Interview! 7 Things We Learned About The Expanse S3 from Cas Anvar & Wes Chatham
1. Cas Anvar put in a request to the writers for his character. “I think Alex is a foodie and food plays a big part in his comfort zone. So I’m hoping there will be more culinary delights to come.” (.38 )
2. We will be getting a lot more about Alex’s backstory. “Absolutely most definitely right off the bat from the top of season three. You are going to get some pretty big information in regards to his family.” (1.03 )
3. There will be a lot of tension between Amos and Naomi this season. “Amos never expected Naomi to be capable of doing something like that. (Naomi secretly gave Belter Fred Johnson the protomolecule.)He is completely devastated by it and at this point, I think he’s done.”(2.33)
4. Even though the books were written years ago The Expanse continues it’s trend of being politically relevant today. Cas Anvar revealed that “Season three is going to take it a step further. It is even “more relevant to what is going on right now. I love the fact that they are absolutely and completely relevant to this political malestrom we are in.The genre of Science Fiction displaces the subject matter is a way that people can see themselves without getting defensive.” Wes Chatham added, “This story tells the truth of human nature and that’s what makes it relevant to what is going on right now.” (3.16 )
5. Amos is searching for the human side of himself. “One of the things [Amos] is most preoccupied with is morality and this inner compass that he doesn’t have. He has always felt alienated. He’s had so much psychological damage that his circuits are fried.” (5.46)
6. We will learn a lot more about the protomolecule and what it is trying to accomplish in season three. (8.10)
7. Cas Anvar has had two unofficial tutors in “Southern Sayings.” (9.41 ) Georgia native, Wes Chatham, as well as Anvar’s best friend, a native Texan, help the actor with Alex’s lines. “Whenever I am stumped on set I just listen to Wes. He has given me some really nice lines.” In particular the line, ‘Happy as a puppy with two peckers.’ came from Chatham’s recollection of one of his father’s southernisms for being really happy.
The Expanse season three airs April 11, 2018 at 9/8c and picks up immediately following the emotional end of second season finale. The thirteen episode series continues to explore the conflicts between Earth, Mars and The Belt. The three factions vie for power and control in an effort to solve the secret of the newly revealed protomolecule which could jeopardize the survival of the entire solar system.
Need More of The Expanse? Check out all our videos and coverage here! Check out our video interview with Thomas Jane & our most recent interview with Cas Anvar! Join with me ( @PxlWvr & @Nicegirlstv ) this season as we live tweet the season.
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