Lucifer: Orange is the New Maze Roundtable
This week’s Lucifer, Orange is the New Maze, was a great episode revolving around our favorite demon. How did Maze find herself in Jail? Find out what Nice Girls Melissa, Leah, Karen, Cay and Lisa had to say about this week’s episode.
Maze had a plan all along to prove her innocence, even though she pled guilty to a crime she didn’t commit. Were you surprised how dedicated Chloe and Ella were to proving her innocent?
Melissa: I really was! It’s a testament to how much Maze means to both of them that they were so firmly in her corner. That gives me the warm fuzzies.
Leah: Chloe and Ella are good people to have on your side, that’s for sure.
Karen: I don’t know that I was surprised about Chloe and Ella wanting to prove her innocent. Although with her recent “issues,” I might’ve been a little more reluctant myself. They’re much better people than I.
Cay: The irony that she’s a demon, in theory unredeemable, yet humans can see the good in her, despite her outrageous behavior. It’s these little moral complexities that have always intrigued me about this show. I liked the contrast of Luci (who knows her better than anyone) vs. Chloe and Ella.
Lisa: I wasn’t surprised by Ella’s dedication, but Chloe’s surprised me because of Maze’s recent behavior and the evidence against her. I loved that they had her back.
Is there hope for a Maze and Trixie reunion?
Melissa: If Maze gives Trixie a heartfelt apology, then yes, I think Trixie will forgive her.
Leah: Agreed. Kids aren’t stupid, obviously Trixie isn’t. If Maze apologizes and means it there is hope!
Karen: Oh, I hope so. She’ll definitely have to grovel though. Maybe chocolate cake?
Cay: I think she can salvage it, but bribery/guilt gifts are probably in order.
Lisa: I love a good guilt gift! I hope they make up soon because they are my favorite pair.
The cat’s out the bag that Chloe and Pierce are dating. Luci didn’t take it too well. Thoughts?
Melissa: This is the first time I’ve thought they had chemistry, mostly because surprise! Pierce has a personality! But Lucifer was right not to trust him. I worry that Chloe’s going to get hurt with whatever scheme Pierce is working now.
Leah: Meh. Still not sold on this at all.
Karen: He’s using her, and Luci is SO not going to take that well. I thought they were cute coming from the beach and all, but if you factor in the whole Lucifer/Chloe relationship, it was squidgy. Mr. Morningstar needs to keep a hairy eyeball on that dude.
Cay: I kind of liked how uncomfortable Luci was in this episode – he’s always so confident, but now we see him shaken and then Maze points out that she’s his backup to Chloe. I can see Luci having to save Chloe at some point in the future, which should be the tipping point for their relationship.
Lisa: A hairy eyeball?? lol Karen you crack me up! I’m not of fan or Chloe and Pierce dating. Not one bit.
Were you surprised that Amenadiel and Lucifer told Charlotte the truth about themselves as well as her time spent in hell? What did you think about her reaction?
Melissa: YES! Holy celestial revelations, I did not see that coming! But I’m glad they told her so Charlotte knows that she’s not actually crazy. What will she do with this information, though? Will she make the connection that Linda also knows the truth? Who will find out next?
Leah: Finally! Someone human besides Dr. Linda knows things! Charlotte did deserve/need to know….she isn’t my favorite but she has been through a lot and is trying to be a good person now.
Karen: Oh thank goodness. She NEEDED to know, especially once Amenadiel blabbed about the whole mum thing. Now she’ll get some closure, and she can be team celestial.
Cay: The irony that soon it seems like everyone BUT Chloe will know the real truth! I’m really curious to see how Charlotte uses the info. She took it maybe a bit better than Dr. Linda did initially?
Lisa: Yes! I’m glad she knows and her storyline keeps getting better each week. Mel, you brought up a good point, I wonder if she will figure out that Dr. Linda knows and how will that interaction go?
Maze and Pierce teaming up so she can get back to hell. Thoughts?
Melissa: This is not good. Not good. at. all.
Leah: That can’t end well at all.
Karen: As Lana from Archer says, “nooooope!” (and as Archer himself says, “Danger Zone!”)
Cay: That’s definitely a dangerous combo! An unholy alliance, if you will. No good will come of it.
Lisa: Why? Not a pair I want to see work together at all. It’s going to be so bad!
Melissa: I’m giving this one to Ella. She had some great lines, she tried to comfort Lucifer, she’s enthusiastic about Chloe & Pierce, she went to bat for Maze…she’s a good egg.
Lisa: I’m surprised to say mine is Charlotte this week. The way she handled finding out the truth (and seeing Lucifer’s wings) was pretty impressive.
Lucifer airs Monday at 8/7c on FOX