Lucifer Roundtable: Let Pinhead Sing
Lucifer did some singing and Maze and Linda did some arguing. See what we thought about the episode.
All the singing! The more they allow Tom Ellis to sing, the better, as far as I’m (Karen) concerned. This week we had the addition of Tom Welling, and our guest star, Skye Townsend. How do you think the “pop star” storyline fit into the Lucifer series vibe?
Karen: Well, as I said, Tom Ellis is just yummy when he uses his pipes. His duet with “Axara” was amazing. Tom Welling was just okay with his Kansas tribute, but it definitely expressed his mood.
Cay: I couldn’t tell from this episode whether Tom Welling can actually sing or not, but the song choice and guitar got the point across regardless. I thought the pop star storyline fit in well with the setting of the show in LA and other Hollywood plots. Now, Luci taking her home (and not to sleep with her) with an interesting twist.
Lisa: Yeah I was surprised he didn’t sleep with her. That was a shock! I loved the singing. Anytime they give Tom Ellis a microphone, I’m a happy girl.
Melissa: I did enjoy the opportunity for some tunes, and the pop star storyline was an opportunity for Lucifer to explore his “no more spotlight” idea. I’m glad he gave up on that one.
Pierce was really objectified in this episode. Was it weird to you?
Karen: I asked this question for a reason. Mostly because I feel like it seemed SUPER forced. Like they had to stress how incredibly hot he is in order to sell the fact that Chloe would choose him over Lucifer at the end. Perhaps also to imply he’d gotten a swelled head over it in order to ask her out? It just didn’t sit right in my gut.
Cay: Do you mean Ella’s swooning over his arms? He wasn’t exactly standing naked in an elevator with only a briefcase, like Luke Mitchell in last week’s Blindspot, though. (note to Lucifer writers – your female fan base would appreciate even more objectification!)
Lisa: Yes! What Cay said! Objectify to your hearts desire! Umm…I agree it felt a bit forced and I didn’t like it. She would have had more fun with Luci at the concert.
Melissa: I agree with Karen, it seemed like justification for Chloe/Pierce, and I’m just not buying it. Objectively, yes, Pierce is physically attractive, but his personality – or lack thereof – is killing any potential tingling in my lady parts.
Hoes over Bros & Bros over Hoes. Which one will be resolved first?
Karen: They are dragging the whole Dr. Linda / Maze thing out too long. I was okay with three or maybe even four episodes. Last night should’ve ended it. Of course, that’s just my opinion. If this is going to be a season long grudge, I’m going to have some issues. The Lucifer/Chloe/Pierce triangle won’t be super long – at least that’s my prediction. Fans will be antsy.
Cay: I always preferred the saying “chicks over d**ks, but it seems clear that Maze is NOT ready to forgive and forget, even after Dr. Linda laid her heart out on the table. Funny that Charlotte gets called in to play mediator. Also interesting that she didn’t seem too phased when Maze said she was a demon. Guess she figured it was a figure of speech? Bake to Maze, she ruined a perfectly good battle ax, after all. How exactly do you deal with a really moody demon? I worry about the things that she might try to teach Trixie now!
Lisa: Hoes over bros always ladies! I’ve definitely learned that lesson in my life. Anyway, I’m with Karen. The beef with Dr. Linda and Maze should have been resolved last night. I’m over it and Maze needs to get over it too. The love triangle is another story, but I’m over that too.
Melissa: What is this grudge servicing? Is it supposed to remind us that Maze is a demon whose supernatural life’s purpose is get revenge on people for their sins? Or demonstrate that Maze is developing human emotions and connections? It better be in service to something or this has been an immense waste of time.
Poor Dan. He was just trying to help by “introducing” Amenadiel to Pierce. What did you think about the resulting convo?
Karen: Yeeeah. Initially not the best of buds, but I think Pierce understands where Amenadiel is coming from. Although he can’t really go at his problem from the faith standpoint, he’s definitely aiming for the hope angle. Oh Amenadiel. You sure know how to muck up Luci’s plans without even trying.
Cay: Dan’s a decent guy, but he never seems to come out ahead! But, then again, he’s always two steps behind because he doesn’t understand the backstory with Amenadiel, Luci, Cain, Charlotte, etc.
Lisa: Yeah, I’d like to see Dan winning in an episode just once. Amendial and Pierce make an odd pair..but I like it. lol
Melissa: I’m glad Amenadiel and Pierce have settled their beef. At least that’s one conflict we don’t have to deal with anymore.
Luci’s got some ‘splainin’ to do (see what I did there?) Is Dr. Linda going to use her newfound perspective (i.e. the Maze/Amenadiel conundrum) to help him?
Karen: Well, if it’s the key to finding a way for Lucifer and Chloe to get together, then hey, maybe it’s worth all the triangley angst? I dunno. I hope the whole Linda/Maze stuff is resolved soon. If that means she gets an epiphany while helping Lucifer, or sets an example, or WHATEVER… then so be it. Just, y’know, get ‘er done!
Cay: I don’t WANT Luci and Chloe together, at least in the relationship/sexual sense. Why do leads on shows always have to jump into bed together? Why can’t they have strong partnerships and deep friendships without sex? Real people do have those kinds of relationships. Off my soapbox, maybe having to compete for Chloe will knock some sense into Luci and he’ll stop being such a tool.
Lisa: Yeah, I agree with Cay. In this episode he was already starting to soften up some so the competition with Pierce might turn him back into the Luci we all like.
Melissa: I DO want Lucifer and Chloe to get together because I think they have amazing chemistry. But I also want Chloe to know – and accept – who Lucifer really is. That ought to provide enough drama for their relationship to last another season or two. While we’re on the topic of what I want from this show, how about a real storyline for Chloe?
VIP? Lines? Scenes?
Karen: Again, the singing. At least the stuff in the bar. *sigh* so good. Otherwise, I feel like this was just filler and a lot of plot device to get us to another place.
Cay: I enjoyed the scene with Dan advising Cain on how much beard was appropriate when wallowing – Kenny Rogers is okay, but “Don’t go full-on Hagrid”.
Lisa: lol I loved the Harry Potter shout out too, but my favorite was the duet with Luci and Axara. So fun!
Melissa: Definitely the singing. I also enjoyed Lucifer’s attempts to move the spotlight off Chloe. The shirt he gave Ella was perfect for her.
Lucifer airs Monday 8/7c on FOX