AGENTS OF SHIELD: “All the Comforts of Home” {Roundtable}
Hey all! Karen here asking some questions of Roz & Rueben for this week’s Agents of SHIELD Roundtable. Enjoy!
Team SHIELD is back home, but something seems weird to me. How about you?
Roz: Something is definitely rotten in the state of SHIELD, and it has to do with General Hale and her creepy daughter (?). I felt so off kilter as I watched and I wanted it to feel like before. But I guess once you go to space, it’s hard to come back without feeling awkward and unsettling.
Rueben: They may be back in their own time, but could it be an altered version of their time? Given what we learned about Hale’s “daughter” Ruby it could be an altered timeline. I could almost accept that although I don’t like it at all. Something really does feel weird; and I just hope that don’t take forever in giving us hints or explanations.
Karen: I thought it felt “off” as well. I hope they let us know what the deal is early, so I don’t have to keep wondering about it. Hale and Ruby are the big bads, and if there are other issues throwing the team off-kilter, that’ll just be another level of obfuscation we don’t need.
The Hale women are just the worst. I figured the person behind that mask was female, but Ruby? That was a surprise.
Roz: They are the worst and I wish them so much ill-will, especially Ruby. Yo-Yo’s arms! NO SWEETHEART I THINK NOT!
Rueben: Yeah, I knew the masked person was a girl; and as soon as she showed up in the doorway I kept thinking, “Could that be Ruby?” And then holy crap it was. I agree with Roz, what she did to Yo-Yo!!! I want to see a full-on assault by the SHIELD team on that little “girl” – if that’s even what she is.
Karen: She needs to GO. That usually means she’ll be the last one to die unfortunately. Ruby has struck a major blow to Mack in particular, and she should watch her back. Gotta say though… girl’s got layers.
Deke lives! We’ve already gotten some comic relief through the Deke/Daisy storyline, but I hope they can make more from his “displacement”.
Roz: Yeah, I want to know why Deke is on Earth and how it happened, but I appreciate that he can be there to remind us all that we’re back on Earth. Speaking of which, can the team get some bright colors back into their wardrobes? They still look like they’re lost in space.
Rueben: I SO was not expected that arrival. I, too, want to know how he was able to follow them back. Watching him in that bar was priceless, and I just kept saying, “How is he gonna pay for all those drinks and food?” But, his interaction with Daisy – and the silliness of that all – was pretty priceless. Roz: Great idea about adding some color.
Karen: I didn’t expect it either, but I love it! Deke is fun, and I like that he’s sticking around. Hopefully they’ll be layering in some color here and there now that they’re back “home”? Perhaps the dull schemes are alluding to the non-normalcy?
Some hard times for Team SHIELD are here, and coming. Yo-Yo is hurt badly, Coulson is still infected, they’ve lost another ally in Noah, how much further down will we go before we can come back up?
Roz: I don’t get why this needs to be so gloomy, but the show felt like that last season and this season. Where’s some of the fun we had in the early seasons? I think we’ve gone pretty far down and I don’t know how much more I can take of this before I feel like the show is all depressing news all the time.
Rueben: I was screaming over poor Yo-Yo! I think it’s going to get a bit darker before we can get back to any light. I have to agree, though, we need a bit of levity coz all of this doom and gloom is getting to be a bit much.
Karen: We did get a *little* bit of fun with the Deke/Daisy storyline, but I agree, we could use some more happy. Maybe we’ll get it with FitzSimmons. *knocks wood*
Crusher “The Absorbing Man” Creel is back, and looks like he might be up for a battle with SHIELD again. I’m anxious to see who else she recruits.
Roz: Again, General Hale is the worst and I want her to get killed by her recruited team sooner or later.
Rueben: That’s who that guy is. I recognized his face, but I could NOT remember his ability. I was extremely concerned when he got in the vehicle with Hale. I agree I want to know who else is going to become part of her team; and just what in the world does she have planned.
Karen: Her team makeup is going to be important moving forward, not only to SHIELD, but to us. I agree with you Roz, I’d love to see her own team betray her. Does that make us horrible people? It’s fiction, so all bets are off, right? Also, let’s get Ruby in on that team betrayal action, yeah?
Anything else? Favorite scenes, notable lines, VIPs?
Roz: ZIMA! I love that that’s beer that tastes good to the barkeeper.
Rueben: That was funny, but the scenes that stood out for me were Ruby asking her Mom if she was “a good guy” and then learning that she is a prisoner. That doesn’t negate what she did to Yo-Yo – AT ALL – but it gives another layer to her character. Oh and I think Noah should get a VIP nod for taking the brunt of that beacon blast.
Karen: Agreed, ZIMA ftw. Heartbroken for Yo-Yo – especially when she realized that everything is coming true. She’ll know now that she has to come clean about Coulson, so I’m guessing that will happen very soon. Totally on board for the Noah love as well. Noah & Enoch, we hardly knew ye. RIP.