Blindspot: Hot Burning Flames Roundtable
Join Nice Girls Roz, Leah, Rueben and Lisa as they discuss the Blindspot episode titled Hot Burning Flames. We find out what happened to Jane’s daughter and there was a lot of nail-biting action. Let’s dig in!
Kurt shared with Jane how her daughter died and it was an accident on his part (as we thought). What did you think of her initial reaction? Were you surprised she walked out at the end? Do you think she will forgive him?
Roz: I feel like Jane has always wanted to know more about herself so to see how much she lost with her daughter wasn’t surprising. Given that she has so little of her own self left, I’m not shocked she left; she wants to know what is real about her in a world where she’s been forced into so much.
Leah: Glad Kurt isn’t some cold blooded killer….not that any of us thought he was, but good to have confirmation. I’m not surprised Jane left. Jane and Weller have had some big fights in the past. It’s her turn to be upset about a secret. I am sure they will work it out eventually.
Rueben: I agree with you both that I’m glad they confirmed Weller didn’t just kill Jane’s daughter cold-bloodedly (not that we thought him capable of that). It was an accident, phew! I can see why she walked out at the end, but I sure didn’t like it. She needs time to process all of this, but I don’t know if she’ll be able to forgive any time soon.
Lisa: I was relieved that it was an accident because if the writers flipped the script and made Kurt out to be a cold blooded killer, I would have been upset. Jane has a lot to process so I wasn’t surprised that she left, but I hope she forgives him sooner rather than later.
The news about Jane’s daughter also caused Jane to make mistakes in the field. Even if she can’t forgive Weller in their relationship, will she be able to continue working with the team?
Roz: She’s got to keep her emotions in check or she’ll be useless. Right now she’s too emotional to be 100 percent effective.
Leah: I think after the initial shock wears off she will be able to manage better.
Rueben: Yeah, that was just very uncharacteristic for her – especially storming into that cabin to save that boy. She could have easily been killed. She wasn’t thinking with a clear head and given what they do, she’s got to react better. It’s going to be very hard for her to work with the team – being alongside Weller everyday – but I can’t see them having her run off again. Been down that road already and don’t need to repeat it, right?
Lisa: Exactly. We don’t need to go down that road again. Hopefully this incident was a one off and she will keep those emotions in check. If not, she could easily get herself killed or someone else and that would not be good.
Zapata and Keaton working to influence Reade’s decisions. What do you think they are up to? What do you think about Keaton?
Roz: They probably want a better or more symbiotic relationship with the FBI, since the CIA can’t work on US soil, but that’s a big guess.
Leah: Can’t stand Keaton. There is still a tattoo that somehow connects to Keaton and Zapata or just the CIA, right? So I assume they are up to something nefarious.
Rueben: When Zapata said she’s with Keaton “all the way” I had to wonder if she just said that to appease him or if she’s been drinking the Kool Aid for too long. I want to believe she’s playing both sides, but will side with Reade and the team over Keaton because that guy is just so not my favorite person. He gives me the creeps in a “I look like a serial killer” kind of way, ya know what I mean?
Lisa: Yes! You are so right Rueben. He definitely gives off the serial killer vibe and I don’t trust him. I hope Zapata will side with Reade in the end but she was very convincing when she said she was all in with Keaton and that is concerning.
Lana was ruthless!! Even though she was so bad, it was great seeing a badass female villain. What did you think of her storyline?
Roz: I could have dealt better with her had she not been Russian, but the story made sense.
Leah: I’ll take a ruthless female badass any time.
Rueben: She definitely was ruthless and would stop at nothing, but since she knew her brother was dead, was her stealing the nukes and then shooting them off her way at getting revenge for his death? Or is there something more nefarious coming down the pike where that whole “Architect of Death” is concerned?
Lisa: Good point Rueben. I wonder if it was revenge for her brother’s death. I did love seining a kickass female villain though. She was badass!
PLOT TWIST!! We see that Jane’s daughter is really alive! Thoughts? Did you see that coming?
Roz: Didn’t see it coming, but I’m curious what that’s going to mean down the line.
Leah: Didn’t see it coming, but it’s a good way for Weller and Jane to come back together.
Rueben: Actually, I did see it coming. It’s too big of a storyline to add into the show to let it go that quickly with her death. There was a little voice in my head during this episode that kept saying, “she isn’t dead,” and to see that final scene in Germany had me yelling at the TV saying, “I knew it!”
Lisa: Yeah, I had a feeling she was still alive too. I didn’t think we would find out so quickly so I was surprised and relieved. I can’t wait to see what happens when they find out she is alive and she gets to meet Jane.
Leah: Eh…..I guess I’ll give it to Jane. She dealt with a lot.
Rueben: Actually I think this one goes to Avery, as she was pretty brave in making that escape attempt and having the balls to walk into that firestorm when Weller clearly warned her to stay away. Sure she’s impulsive and was walking into harm’s way, but it takes a lot of guts (and a lot of crazy) to do that.
Lisa: My MVP is Weller this week. When he jumped out of that plane and stopped the bomb from going off, he got my vote. He saved the day!
Loser of the week?
Roz: Weller. Lies are bad, man.
Lisa: Ugh…I was so annoyed with the Department of Energy for being so irresponsible with checking crates, and admitting it wasn’t the first time they misplaced nukes and made the comment that it might happen again. They need to tighten their ship.
Leah: I’m with both of you!
Rueben: Weller. He lost a lot in the span of this episode. I feel bad for him, but he really should have come clean with Jane. But it is a TV drama, and drama is the key. We’ve got to split them up to bring them back together. It’s the classic soap opera storytelling.
Additional comments? Predictions?
Rueben: I think it’s going to be quite the reunion between Jane and Avery because there is no way they aren’t going to have this play out a lot more as the season rolls out. Also, I loved that Anthony Lemke (he played Three on the now defunct Syfy series Dark Matter) was in the episode, but Roman is not going to let him live for much longer when he clearly set him up for failure in Campbell’s eyes.
Lisa: Roman, Roman, Roman. So charming and dangerous with an end game we can’t see. Sigh. Whatever it is, it’s going to be big. Also, I wonder if he knows that Jane’s daughter is really alive? Time will tell.
Tune in to Blindspot on Fridays at 8/7c on NBC.