Lucifer Roundtable: Vegas with Some Radish
Lucifer paired off a few of our characters with this new episode. Sending Ella and Lucifer to Vegas to check on his “wife” Candi while Chloe and Dr. Linda had some bonding/girl time back at home.
Well, this week we got some questions answered, some backstory filled in, and some wishes fulfilled (at least some of mine!). Let’s jump in to our roundtable to see what the Nice Girls think of this week’s episode.
Finally! Chloe and Dr. Linda have a “session”! I cannot tell you how psyched I was to see this. Was this something you had in the back of your mind as a “want list” item? How’d it live up to your vision?
Karen: OMG. Again, like I said, I was PSYCHED. As soon as Chloe walked in to Dr. Linda’s office I got all giggly. The potential for anything to happen was RIGHT. THERE. And then we got the girl’s night in Luci’s apartment… Nice shout-out to Chloe’s “mother’s” real-life role in Risky Business. And then Dr. Linda finding the Shakespeare book. Priceless. It was a great start to the pair of them getting together in the future.
Melissa: I didn’t know I needed it until it happened! Their Girls Night (plus Dan) was delightful, although I have to wonder – how did Dr. Linda manage to NOT spill the beans about Lucifer’s true self? She had multiple opportunities, also lots of alcohol, yet she kept a lid on it. Impressive.
Lisa: I loved it! Dr. Linda has proved that you can pair her with anyone and it’s going to be gold. I loved their girls night in! So fun! And I have to agree with Karen, Dr. Linda finding the Shakespeare book was awesome!
Cay: Yes, a large dose of Dr Linda was just what the…eh…doctor…ordered! The girls night in at Luci’s pad was pretty awesome, even as it was ridiculous. I did find myself wondering – which of them has a key?
Lucifer and Ella had another team-up. Although they’ve done things together in the past, going to Vegas gave them more insight into each other’s lives. Did you enjoy the whole Ella/Luci vibe?
Karen: I *do* like them together, especially when she does something ShadyAF. He seems surprised by Ella’s dark side every time. I LOVED the scene where they get shaken down in the casino’s back room, and then the reveal that Ella had previously been banned for counting cards. I mean, we knew from the foreshadowing that there was something like this in her past, but I liked the way they did it in front of Lucifer was great.
Melissa: They’re a fun team. Especially with Ella continually hugging him and offering sympathy to her “buddy”. She cracks me up! Gotta admit, I was expecting something a little more earthshaking than “busted for counting cards” as Ella’s big secret, but it was a clever reminder of just how smart Ella is underneath the hoodie and jaunty ponytail.
Lisa: Yeah, I agree I thought she had a little more of a shady past than counting cards. I was pleasantly surprised by it though. Luci and Ella together were great. I loved their dynamic and I have to say how hot Ella looked all dolled up! She rocked the hell out of that dress!
Cay: Oh, I’m sure that there is more to Ella’s past – counting cards, lock picking, her brother’s business venture is likely just the tip of the iceberg.
We also got backstory for his Marriage to Candi. How’d you like that storyline?
Karen: I didn’t think they’d pick that thread back up, but it was good that they did. Shows that he’s still legally married, which may be important, and why the whole thing went down the way it did. Now Ella knows the whole story too, so he’s got someone from the precinct in on the secret as well.
Melissa: I didn’t expect to ever see Candi again either, but am so glad we did! A further exploration of that storyline was perfect for the second of the standalone episodes that were filmed last year. The show has also rather neatly established a connection in Vegas should they need it in the future.
Lisa: Yes! I would love more Vegas episodes. This episode was fun and I am so glad they picked up the Candi storyline and gave us the scoop. I feel like this episode was much better than the last 2.
Cay: Yes, I liked the story development both picking up the Candy story again and Chloe discussing how finding Luci’s place empty the first time he went to Vegas made her feel. I also liked that Luci finally seemed to appreciate the effect his actions had on Chloe. Can we hope that Luci is done with the whining, or does the fact that this episode was filmed for last season mean that’s too much to ask?
Karen: Dr. Linda and Chloe for me. I really dug their chemistry as a duo. I want to see more.
Melissa: Dr. Linda and Chloe for me as well.
Lisa: Same here! Dr. Linda and Chloe (and I’ll give a little shout out to Dan and his power drill lol)
Cay: Totally! haha, speaking of Dan and his drill, why were they so worried about chipping his plaster when they were going to DRILL HOLES IN HIS SAFE? Seems like that would have been rather obvious, no?
Fave lines, scenes, etc?
“Ms.Lopez, you are an enigma, wrapped in a hoodie under a jaunty ponytail.” – Lucifer
“I’m Lucifer Morningstar. I can play the piano and I’m a fancy British man.” -Chloe
“Let’s go take a peek in his sock drawer.” -Dr. Linda
“But, Dr. Martin, you’re his therapist. Aren’t there rules against that?” -Chloe
“Trust me, there’s nothing I don’t know about Lucifer Morningstar. Except what’s in his sock drawer.” -Dr. Linda
Melissa: I enjoyed that sweet little scene at the end when Lucifer apologizes to “sleeping” Chloe for being gone. Can we move this relationship forward now?
Lisa: I loved the beginning! I was laughing so hard when they had a stripper cop jump out of a cake for Chloe’s birthday at the police station! Hilarious! Then to find out it was Ella who ordered the stripper and not Lucifer. Hilarious! Ella wasmaking it rain! That whole scene was funny and dancing to 50 cent’s “In Da Club” singing “Go shawty..it’s ya birthday” was icing on the cake for me. That is my ultimate birthday jam.
Cay: There were lots of really funny lines in this one, but my favorite ws definitely “an enigma, wrapped in a hoodie, under a jaunty pony tail”.
LUCIFER airs Monday 8/7c on FOX