Ghosted Roundtable: Jermaine the Zombie
Week two of Ghosted and we have zombie cats and trick-or-treating. See how we liked this weeks episode and leave your comments below.
After watching the second episode, do you feel the chemistry between Leroy & Max has improved, stayed the same, or gotten worse?
Roz: I think it’s about the same. They’re still bickering at each other when not working.
Lisa: I agree it is the same. I hope their chemistry will grow as the season moves forward. The bickering is funny (sometimes) but it needs to be so much more than that.
Cara: I agree that the chemistry is not great. They haven’t established a good odd couple vibe yet. We still need a little warmth or connection for it to work.
Bee-Mo was the title of the episode and Leroy explained that, Bee-Mo was a nickname Jermaine gave to him. What did you think about the Jermaine storyline?
Roz: isn’t it too early for a Halloween story? But it was cute and weird.
Lisa: It’s never too early for Halloween! lol But I wonder if each episode in October will continue with a Halloween theme. I thought it was cool to get a little back story but having him get infected was strange. Those kids did a great job of being creepy. This also makes me wonder if we will get more details on Max’s past as well.
Cara: Jermaine is cool, but I actually liked the interaction between him and Leroy last week a little better. It was a cute touching moment though, especially the way they both responded to Max.
We got to see more of the supporting cast in this episode. What do you think of the team?
Roz: I want to spend one episode just at the bunker to watch them work.
Lisa: Me too! I feel like they have some kick ass women on their team and we haven’t been able to see them work it! I look forward to seeing more of them for sure.
Cara: We’re getting little glimpses of the team, but I agree that it would be great to get a better look into the bunker. I’m glad we got a little bit of Annie though. I really like the way she calls Max out on his ridiculousness without seeming mean or belittling. She doesn’t have to be a mean girl to be funny. She’s growing on me.
Favorite line/scene?
Roz: Leroy’s 80s song of choice today!
Lisa: Fave Leroy line: I did not teach him tig ol bitties. He learned that in Geometry class.
Fave Max line: “You owe me a really stiff Midori sour.” lol they do have some great one-liners on this show.
Cara: Huey Lewis and the News, right? There were a couple great one liners. The tig ol bitties line was funny. I think my favorite moment was that very last moment where Leroy and Jermaine completely stonewall Max. It was cold, but Max deserves it for being so annoying and obtuse.
Additional comments?
Lisa: Adam Scott holding the stun gun was pretty funny.
Cara: I’m still holding out hope for the show, but the chemistry and the laughs need to start getting better.
GHOSTED airs Sunday 8:30/7:30c on FOX