Comic Con
COMIC-CON 2017: Sunday highlights
And just like that, Comic-Con International is done and dusted for another year. As we sink into post-con blues though, we have one more day of highlights to look back on. The final day of the convention is known for having a lighter load – or at least press and panels-wise – where we aren’t running around so much trying to make it from one panel or press engagement to the the next and quite often an opportunity to properly peruse the exhibition hall. Read on to find out what the Nice Girls got up to during Day 4 of Comic-Con 2017…
Rueben: I spent most of the morning in the Exhibition Hall (Finally!) checking out everything in there; and getting a new t-shirt from my favorite artist Jason Palmer. It’s an Outlander shirt (OF COURSE!), featuring this image:
And, I got to sit in on some fun, albeit smaller panels, featuring authors of YA (young adult) novels and two panels focusing on women in the industry, including one panel that featured Grimm star Bree Turner. It was a quiet calm day after all that insanity.
Lisa: Also a more chill day for me, I hung out at the Tin Fish Midnight, Texas restaurant!
Leah: I was unable to attend the last day, but Melissa and I did spend the Saturday night at the NBC Midnight, Texas party and got to hang out with the cast. Don’t get me wrong, they were all awesome people but Bernardo Saracino, who plays Chuy Strong on the show was my favorite and is our new bestie. He led us around to meet various cast members. Wow! Here’s a pic of Leah and Bernardo:
Roz: The final day of Comic-Con saw Roz inside the Supernatural press room and chat with stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins. Click through the gallery to see some of her snaps:
Related links:
COMIC-CON 2017: Saturday highlights
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COMIC-CON 2017: Friday highlights
COMIC-CON 2017: Thursday highlights
COMIC-CON 2017: Preview Night and more
Going to Comic Con 2017