AMERICAN GODS: 5 things I love about Mr. Wednesday in ‘Secret of Spoons’
It’s no secret I am thrilled about the casting of Ian MacShane being cast as Mr. Wednesday aka, the god Odin, in American Gods. Tonight’s episode simply confirmed my endearment of Big W. Below are five reasons why I love Mr. Wednesday from tonight’s all new episode!
1. His wisdom
“An assault on you as an insult to me. Don’t think because I didn’t loose my temper I’m not angry or unlacking a plan.” Wednesday has admittedly easing Shadow Moon in to his world. That act, although confusing, is meant well. While we don’t know why Wednesday chose Shadow, we all need that one person in our lives to tell us the unvarnished truth. Thankfully W’s got brutal needed truth in spades, which may be why he’s survived all those years!
2. His love of Dandelions
I was enthralled by W’s dandelion moment! With uncertainty all round, Wednesday takes the time to enjoy the simple pleasures we all learned as children. I loved how he saved it in his lapel for later. It’s the little things that I already
adore about this show!
3. His love of good old fashioned Road Trips!
W said it best himself; “Were not taking the highway. Not now. Not ever.” No highways. Seen one. Seen them all. No chance for serendipitous lovely. Let there be
beauty where there can.’
4. His distain for technology.
“What the hell is this?” W chucked that phone like it was plague ridden! Clearly he is NOT a fan of the information age! Now, we know why thanks to the
digital jerk in the limo!
5. His “In-the-moment” mindset.
Big W may be an old god who’s power is waning and time may be short, but he’s not going down with out a fight! In this episode we see Wednesday’s plan slowly unfold with the choosing of his team. Through it all, he maintains his affable demeanor and enjoyment of all his senses, even a badly cooked meal. We could all learn a lesson from Big W in that area.
“Then we die. It will be glorious! Win or loose!”
American Gods premiers Sunday, April 30, on STARZ. Need more American Gods? Check out our other articles and videos here and on our sister site here. Join us (@nicegirlstv & @PxlWvr) as we live tweet throughout the season.