The Vampire Diaries: It’s Been A Hell Of A Ride {Recap}
Here we are! Can you believe there are only 2 episodes left? OMG! This episode was a game changer in so many ways, Cade and Katherine!!! Say what?? So in honor of Damon and his drink of choice, grab some good bourbon and let’s dig in!
Our favorite villian we love to hate, Kai has kidnapped Elena and gave her to Cade. Kai kept the special daggar to insure his safety, so now Cade wants the special daggar in exchange for Elena and told Damon to get it if he wants to see Elena again. Stefan was on his way out of town, but once Damon told him about Elena he knew he had to help.
Stefan found Kai singing Kareoke in a bar and he was singing “Knock on Heaven’s Door.” I have to say seeing Kai sing was a highlight for me. Hilarious! Stefan told Cade that he should give the daggar to him so he could kill Cade, but once Kai found out Stefan was human again, he stabbed him in the hand. Damon was a little late but he snapped Kai’s neck.
Alaric and Caroline were having some trouble with the girls with their powers. They were having problems at school and they weren’t sure what to do with them. Damon and Stefan show up with a knocked out Kai so they can put him in a cell.
Damon and Stefan went to the quarry and Stefan explained that he wanted to be the one to kill Cade becasue he was the one who compelled Matt to ring the bell. Damon was completely against it because Stefan is human and he viewed it as a suicide mission. Stefan anticipated Damon’s response and used vervain to knock him out and left to meet Cade on his own.
Cade was surprised to see Stefan, since he’s human and all, but he had a plan. Alaric started ringinging the bell and it hurt Cade but didn’t kill him (becasue he isn’t a Donovan or a maxwell). Stefan tried to kill Cade but was unsuccessful because Alaric had to stop ringing the bell. Why you ask? Because his phone rang and it was the girls and they were in trouble. One word Kai.
While in his cell, Kai told Caroline that the Armory is filled with supernatural energy. So the twins are having trouble becasue they are siphoning magic all the time, even when they aren’t trying to. To giver her an example, he siphoned magic from the wall and broke free of his cell and snapped Caroline’s neck. He was on the lookout for the twins and it wasn’t good news.
Damon shows up just as Cade was going to kill Stefan. He reminded Cade of their deal, he has the daggar now and he should let Stefan go. Cade made him a new deal. He needed a soul and had to choose who to save, Elena or Stefan? For once, Damon made the selfless choice and he picked himself. Stefan was telling him not to do it, but Damon stabbed himself. Right before he stabbed himself he made Cade promise to leave Elena’s soul alone and he looked at Stefan and said, “It’s been a hell of a ride” and then he died. Wow!!! Usually Stefan is the savior (when he isn’t ripper Stefan that is) but Damon showed his love for Stefan and Elena and it was pretty remarkable.
Stefan and Bonnie were not going to let Damon go that easily. Bonnie showed up when her psychic senses told her that something was wrong with Elena. Bonnie could enter the psychic space where Cade was about to collect Damon’s soul and she wasn’t going to let it happen without a fight. She created a psychic blast and Stefan was able to stab Cade in the heart with the daggar and Cade burned up and died. The power from the blast put Damon back in his body and all is well. So we thought.
After they killed Cade, the Salvatore Brothers shared a nice bourbon (our drink of the episode) to celebrate. Damon shared that all he needs are the people that he loves around him. He told Stefan he shouldn’t leave Mystic Falls.
Stefan got over himself and went to see Caroline. He got down on one knee and proposed to Caroline. She said yes and the wedding is back on. Yay!
Bonnie was in an alternate plane with Kai. He was chained to a chair with music he hated on the jukebox. It was satisfying for herto share that they killed Cade and hell is no more. Until Kai revealed the real truth. Hell is still there with a new sherif in town. A sheriff who wants nothing more than to see them suffer, and her name is Katherine. Oh Hell!
Buckle up peeps! These last two episodes are going to be insane! What did you think about this episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs on Friday nights at 8/7c on The CW.