Blindspot Roundtable: “Draw O Caesar, Erase A Coward”
Besides the case of the week, this episode explored relationships. What did you think about Jane and Tasha’s girl power connection?
Rueben: It was actually pretty great seeing them work as a team especially given how many times Tasha has been opposed to Jane being on their team.
Leah: Loved it. I have not always loved Tasha’s holier than thou attitude when it comes to Jane, so this was a nice change.
Roz: I could happily watch more of them together just being girls in a business that frowns on femininity. Tasha, your eggs are fine!
Lisa: I agree Roz! I really enjoyed the “girly-ness” of it all. I also am not a big Tasha fan but I enjoyed this side of her and hope to see more of it.
Cay: I’m with Lisa in terms of “not a big Tasha fan”, but it was nice to see her drop the animosity for a bit, especially since Jane really doesn’t have any female friends.
What did you think about the Lelantos storyline? Was it a win for you or did it fall flat?
Rueben: Well, once they said there was any abandoned warehouse tied to the case, I knew it had something to do with human trafficking; and I had a feeling that Marjory was going to shoot the doctor before it happened, so I’d say that the case was a little too predictable. That being said, it was a little bit of a fail; however, it did give Tasha and Jane that girl power moment and for Patterson to figure out what was going on with Reade.
Leah: The case itself was very standard TV, but I agree with Rueben – the teams and the things they did, the way they worked together made it worth another story ending you could see coming.
Roz: This won’t be a case I remember later, but I will remember how the team worked together in smaller groups to get to the bottom of it all.
Lisa: Yeah, this case was a snooze in my opinion, but I loved the moments of the team working together that made it worthwhile.
Cay: As you guys mentioned already, the case itself wasn’t particularly exciting, but it was nice that we got to see different pairings of the team compared to what we usually see. And there’s nothing like a selling human organs plot to freak out a person a bit…
Reade’s downward spiral continues, and he almost got himself killed. Patterson called him out but he didn’t respond to her help. What is it going to take to get him back on track?
Rueben: Speaking of Reade, I think it’s either going to take his life literally hanging in the balance or the life of one of the team to be on the line for him to wake up. I also think it’s going to get a lot worse until it gets better.
Leah: He is annoying me. Just so upsetting. I don’t need him to be a boy scout but COME ON! He clearly hasn’t hit rock bottom yet and you can’t tell someone spiraling anything until they do.
Roz: READE – BE BETTER THAN THIS! Man, his issues are frustrating me to an ear snapping point, but I can’t see a way for him to realize that himself.
Lisa: Ugh…I just can’t with him. I am so frustrated with his character. I was so glad that Patterson called him on his shit, but I agree with Rueben. It’s going to get worse before it gets better and I just hope nobody dies because of his foolishness.
Cay: Lisa took the words out of my mouth – I suspect he’s going to make an even bigger mistake and that will be his rock bottom.
Another relationship explored was Roman and Weller. What do you think about their budding Bromance?
Rueben: I was very happy to see them working together; and for Weller gaining some respect for Roman. When Roman freaked out on that doctor over his facial scar, I knew he was swiping something from the doctor to get in that “off limits” area, but was very surprised that Weller didn’t pick on that. C’mon, you’re a freaking FBI agent; he couldn’t see that set-up coming? Other than that I’m hopeful that their working on this case together will give Weller better perspective on Roman and that he’ll try to help keep Roman out of the CIA’s hands.
Leah: Weller is smarter than that! BUT…I am okay with it because it got the two of them “hanging out” and it got Roman out of the cell again. The more he interacts with the team the more I like his story. Jane did her own thing a couple times in the first season as well. We can’t expect Roman to behave 100% of the time.
Roz: Weller should be smarter than some of his blunders with Roman, but I think they’re a product of all the distrust the team has for Roman after all this Sandstorm business.
Lisa: Let the Bromance commence! I didn’t realize how much I wanted them to get along until I saw Weller hand Roman that beer. I thought they worked well together (even though Weller had his Duh moment). I hope they continue to explore this relationship. Although, I have to point out that once Weller finds out that Roman killed Taylor’s mother, there might not be much of a relationship left.
Cay: I’m starting to think that maybe Roman won’t go back to being evil after all…fingers crossed!
What do you think about Oliver (Jane’s Beau)? Trustworthy or not?
Rueben: I wanted to believe that he was an innocent bystander; but given how he (over)reacted to Jane asking him about his name change, that really made me question what is going on with him. I’m doubtful about trusting him now.
Cay: Yeah, he was way too defensive! Maybe it’s not something horrible, but he’s clearly got secrets.
Leah: Any guy they bring in to date any one of the team is going to be on my radar as untrustworthy. He seems a little shady to me but maybe it is just me wanting Jane and Weller to patch up their differences.
Roz: I wanted to like him, but his reaction to her digging makes me very nervous.
Lisa: I was cautiously suspicious about him at first, but now after his blow up, I don’t trust him. Run Jane Run!!!
Episode VIP?
Rueben: Patterson without question. She not only figured out those crazy tattoos, but she also saved Reade’s ass and chewed him out about his addiction. I hope she keeps on him, and doesn’t relent because he is going to bring harm to the entire team if he doesn’t get help.
Leah: I second Patterson. I just adore her.
Roz: Patterson from me too!
Lisa: Me too, me too! Patterson for sure!
Cay: Can’t argue! It’s unanimous.
Any additional comments/predictions?
Rueben: My biggest concerns are when Roman finds out the truth that Jane wiped his memory and when Kurt finds out that Roman killed Taylor Shaw’s mother on orders from Shepherd. There is also the lingering concern over Reade and when that bubble bursts.
Leah: Hmmm….I need to start getting my answers in before Rueben so I don’t have to say, “What she said….” so often! 🙂
Roz: I’m not a Nas fan but what!?
Cay: Seriously, apparently this show can’t take a few weeks off without some team member in mortal peril and after the short-lived Tasha fake out, they had to up the suspense. I’m trying to decide if I care if Nas is dead or not…athough it will be one more tragedy for Weller who has already dealt with way more than his fare share!
Lisa: Yeah, I’m concerned about Reade’s dumbass causing problems for the team. I also wonder what is going to happen with Oliver. We shall see.
Blindspot airs on Wednesday nights at 8pm on NBC.