BLINDSPOT Roundtable: Borrow or Rob
Rich Dotcom is back on Blindspot this week to help the team infiltrate a secret society at his Alma mater. While part of the team does that Nas takes Roman and Jane on a tour of their childhood homes hoping to spark any memories that will help in the search for Shepherd.
Rich Dotcom! He is the best recurring character. Did you like that we got his backstory?
Lisa: Yes, I love when he’s on the show. He is so funny and I definitely liked that they threw us a bone by giving us a little history. Now if we can just find out more about Shepherd!
Leah: Love him! He’s pretty adorable when you get past the ridiculousness that is his persona. I love that his backstory helped the team get a little closer to Shepherd and he solved another tattoo while he was at it.
Cay: Count me in the Rich fan club – I find him quite entertaining as well and I also find it amusing watching how much he ticks off Weller. The show is often very intense – he provides some much-needed levity. As for his backstory, clearly he hasn’t changed all that much since college!
Rueben: I agree he is a great recurring character, who – as Cay said – provides a lot of levity to an otherwise intense show. It was good to learn a little more about him even if it we learned he hasn’t changed much at all. I’m sure this won’t be the last time we see him either.
Roz: I love crazy backstories and Rich.com’s dumb friends are sort of great to watch. Maybe I just know too many guys like them
Has Jane learned nothing from past secret keeping when it comes to Taylor Shaw and Weller? When will she tell Weller what she found out?
Lisa: She better tell him soon if she wants to consider keeping him a friend. He will be pissed is he finds out that she knew and didn’t tell him.
Leah: If she keeps this a secret until he finds out on his own I am going to be maaaaad. This isn’t something to not be shared.
Cay: Ugh, these kind of secrets never end well. I’m starting to feel bad for both Weller and Jane for ending up in the middle of this whole mess.
Rueben: I was very disappointed in her for telling Weller the truth. I get it if she thinks she is protecting Roman, but she can’t hold the truth in because that has failed so badly in the past. She really needs to learn from past mistakes and just tell the truth.
Roz: Part of me wants Jane to keep this one under wraps because it will wreck Weller.
Roman out in the field again….do you like his storyline? Do you see him being a good addition to the team?
Lisa: It was good to see that he was getting his memories back and feeling guilty for being a murderer, but I am still on the fence about Roman. He has a lot of demons.
Leah: I don’t know what to think about him. I like the actor so I’m glad he is on the show, but they are using him so infrequently and unless he has some good stories coming up I don’t know that he needs to be there. I want him to be a full time member but I don’t seem him acclimating quite that well.
Cay: I keep waiting for him to do something awful, but so far so good. The more freedom he gets I think the less likely he may be to attack the FBI?
Rueben: I like that Roman seems to have become a good person and an asset to the team, but given what we know about him, I have to wonder how long that is going to last. Especially once he learns that Jane is the one who wiped his memory – and we all know that truth is going to come out at some point before the end of the season. For now, I am liking his story arc, but I’m worried about how bad it’s going to get.
Roz: When he flashes back to something, he’s a great resource, but otherwise I feel like he’s going to hurt the mission rather than help it.
Reade. Really?
Lisa: SMH…I.Can.Not.With.Him! WTF? I am so disappointed. I wanted to reach through the screen and pop him upside his head!!! Ugh…
Leah: I am just going to say, “What Lisa said.” I have never been more upset at a character.
Cay: I guess none of what he’s doing is all that shocking – people do things they wouldn’t otherwise when they’ve been traumatized like he has been, but it’s still frustrating because it’s hard to imagine how it’s not going to end badly. I’m betting the FBI does random drug testing as the military definitely does.
Rueben: I was screaming at the TV, yelling “Reade, don’t you even!” at that final scene; and wasn’t anymore pleased with him in the beginning scene. I get that he has gone through trauma, but I thought he had more character and intelligence than to slide that far down the slope. I don’t feel any sympathy for him at all and I just want to b*tchslap him.
Roz: JUST WHAT THE HELL MAN? I just want him to do something smart.

(Photo by: David Geisbrecht/NBC)
Favorite part of the episode? (Please say dancing)
Lisa: Of course it was the dancing! Rich.com & Weller were hilarious and cute. I also thought it was funny when that guy said Weller had prostitute all over him. HA!
Leah: THE DANCING! The turns and introduction of him as his husband – Weller took Rich’s last name. Had me cracking up.
Cay: I loved the Rich and Weller show from beginning to end.
Some of my favorite lines:
It’s not exactly Comic Con for me, either – Patterson
Why does he hate you, I mean, except for the obvious? – Weller
This better not be a sex thing! – Weller
You shot the hostage! Your obsession with the movie Speed has become unhealthy! – Rich
Rueben: That dance was just so amazingly funny. The best part of the episode!! And, I just have to say ditto to the lines that Cay provided. I was applauding when Patterson made the Comic Con quip.
Roz: DANCING! Just more of awkward Weller with people who annoy him.
Blindspot airs Monday 8/9c on NBC