Comic Con
The EXPANSE Video INTERVIEW! Thomas Jane
The Expanse recently just began it’s second season on Syfy and we had the opportunity to speak with Thomas Jane aka former detective Joe Miller, during this years San Diego Comic Con about the show and his character.
Thomas Jane has portrayed several notable roles in his career, chief among them being the movies Boogie Nights and Deep Blue Sea. He also played the lead role in two HBO series, 61 and Hung which earned the actor three Golden Globe nominations. Thomas Jane most caught our attention when, while on hiatus from The Expanse, he was featured in the viral public service video for Donate Life as “The Worlds Biggest Asshole.’
Thomas Jane described his character on The Expanse as a survivor, a realist. In the video below the highlights of the interview centered on two points, his relationship with Holden (Steven Strait) and how Jule Mao (Florence Faivre). Regarding Miller’s new dynamic with Holden the actor did not indicate the two will be besties in the coming season. “I wouldn’t really call it working together. They have competing viewpoints on what to do. Sometimes Miller’s right Sometimes Holden’s right.”
“Sometimes you just gotta kill somebody.”
“They have very different views about reality, the situation and what should be done. Holden is a lot more idealistic and younger. Miller’s a lot more jaded and really understands human nature. He’s there to kind of ground those guys. Sometimes you just gotta kill somebody.”
“Julie really struck a chord in Miller.
When speaking of Julie Mao. Thomas Jane was very direct about how Mao changed his characters life. “Julie really struck a chord in Miller. Miller is very much the opposite of Julie Mao. Miller is a survivor. He takes care of himself first and then lets everybody else do their own thing. He’s very Darwinian, and yet Julie Mao is the top half of one percent throws all that away to dedicate her life to helping a people that she doesn’t know. She’s not a Belter. And he’s become fascinated with who is that person, Why would she do that?
What does she get out of it? ”
“It turns him around. It really throws a wrench into his plans. He’s really had a good [plan] worked our to where he can manipulate the system. He’s trying to either get that out, or re-gigger his whole world views to accommodate this woman. Who she represents.
I love it. I love this story and I love Miller.”
The Expanse airs Wednesdays at 10 pm Eastern only on Syfy. Be sure to check in every week for new cast interviews! Come join with us ( @Nicegirlstv & @PxlWvr) this season as we live tweet the episodes and catch up on all our coverage here!