TIMELESS: 59 Thoughts on Karma Chameleon
On Timeless this week Wyatt talks Rufus into traveling back to the 80’s to stop Jessica’s killer from ever being born. Meanwhile Anthony starts to see how Flynn isn’t much different than Rittenhouse and he tries to do something about it.
1. “Let me get dressed.” I love Lucy! She’s a ride or die.
2. I love that Wyatt is just going to not let Jessica’s killers parents meet. He isn’t quite the cold hearted killer.
3. Lucy is so sad to lose Wyatt. This makes me sad. I adore them together. Even if he is going to save his wife.
4. Also – I don’t look like that when I just wake up. Bitch really did wake up like that.
5. Rufus is so down. I love that he is going with Wyatt.
6. You would think they would have audio as well as cameras. They don’t hear Wyatt say, “Make it look god for the cameras.”
7. Emma missed beer? Really? Not toilet paper? Just beer.
8. Rittenhouse is scary, but Flynn is just as scary.
10. Of course Rufus knows every episode of A-Team.
11. Reverse Back to the Future. Ha!
12. People were awfully trusting back then. Or Wyatt is just hot.
13. Lucy is not apologetic. Good for her.
14. Also I like Agent Christopher. She is a genuinely good person.
15. The 80’s hair is so fantastic.
16. Anthony is rebelling. It’s about time.
17. After Flynn kidnapped Lucy why would she meet Anthony? Come on.
18. Classy place that Toledo Express Inn.
19. I’d look him in the eyes. All the live long day!
20. Rufus bonding with the ladies.
21. Plan keep the killers parents apart is not working.
22. Could Mason be any more thirsty? Stop pushing. We know you are Rittenhouse!
23. “If we can escape the Alamo we can damn sure ball block Rick Springfield over there.”
24. Best line of the show. Hands down. I don’t care what happens next.
25. All these old shows are awesome.
26. Rufus is not that dense, right? Or he just loves him some Jiya.
27. Jiya isn’t part of the Time Travel Three – she doesn’t get to know all of the things.
28. Oh – Wyatt told Lucy but Rufus didn’t tell Jiya. Wyatt and Lucy sitting in a tree!
29. Are we really still rocking those ridiculous ear mics in 2017? How obvious!
30. Oh look at that – they lost her. How shocking.
31. They had to pull guns on those people? They know it wasn’t them!
32. Anthony finally gets that he and Flynn are no better than Rittenhouse.
34. “A reality in their image.” That is terrifying.
35. Anthony is going to destroy The Mothership. Good.
36. Now Rufus just needs to destroy the backup.
37. Unfortunately it can’t be that easy.
38. Does Wyatt seem like the kind of guy you should interrupt on a “date”? No.
39. I love Rufus drinking his daiquiri. He’s adorable.
40. Wyatt thinking he gets his wife back is heartbreaking. We all know this isn’t going to happen.
41. This plan is going downhill.
42. When do they call this mission?
43. Wyatt looks pretty desperate.
44. Agent Christopher is on board to blow up The Lifeboat.
45. Oh. My. Word. Lucy now knows her Dad is Rittenhouse!!!!
46. Why does Wyatt have his gun on him?
47. Can this plan get any worse?
48. Rufus always apologizes after doing something shady. It’s sweet.
49. Why is she yelling, “He has a gun.” Who is she yelling it to?
50. Taking a drive in a tornado? Not good.
51. Wyatt didn’t kill him directly but he sure was responsible.
52. Thankfully The Lifeboat didn’t blow away in the storm.
53. It’s sad that he thinks Jessica is going to be alive. I don’t see that happening.
54. Connor Mason had really better check his attitude.
55. If Jessica is still dead then Jessica wasn’t killed by who Flynn said he was.
56. Flynn lied. He manipulated Wyatt.
57. Flynn got his new pilot Emma, so he doesn’t need Anthony. Poor Anthony.
58. Lucy has balls.
59. Wait – did her Dad say the word, “Rittenhouse” outload? Isn’t that against the rules?
Timeless airs Monday 10/9c on NBC