BLINDSPOT Roundtable: Devil Never Even Lived
Last night on Blindspot a tattoo led to Roman and the team had to decide whether to let him go into the field. Elsewhere the team dealt with their relationships or whatever we are calling their escapades. Also, and probably most importantly, we got one step closer to figuring out the connection between Weller and Shepard.
Someone explain to me why Kurt can’t have a nursery just because his pregnant ex got a job in Colorado?
Rueben: I guess to their way of thinking it’s going to be too hard to go back and forth with the baby between Colorado and New York otherwise they wouldn’t have made that the foremost reason; and it’s just an easy plot device. And honestly do we really want to see him domesticated?
Lisa: I’m over the whole thing. Keep the nursery or don’t. Who really cares? lol I know that sounds so harsh but I just think it’s ridiculous that they even had that as a storyline. Of course, he can have a nursery for when he can see his baby. Moving on!
Leah: I in no way approve of the whole storyline. It was just dumb, but the idea that he can’t have a nursery in his apartment because she is moving is just as dumb. The child will visit, the child will need somewhere to stay. AND for chick to make a decision like that with her boyfriend and then tell Kurt as an afterthought is just as dumb. A guy that wants to help raise his child is a good thing. Rant over.
Roz: I doubt there is a real reason, but it’s convenient to push aside the baby and made us all forget it.
How glad are you to see Nas and Weller end it. Worst couple….ever?
Rueben: Good riddance to a storyline that should NEVER have happened in the first place. I don’t buy that they have feelings for each other. Jane and Weller have more feelings for each other while just having a conversation than Nas and Weller EVER, ya know?
Lisa: Dueces Nas!! I totally agree with Rueben, this storyline is like the regrettable ex-boyfriend that wish you never met and question yourself why you were ever interested in them in the first place. And that whole “we have feeling for each other” line was total BS. I still don’t trust Nas and wonder if sleeping with Weller was part of whatever she is plotting. I’ve got my eye on her.
Leah: Thank the heavens! I can not tell you how often my eyes would roll when they were on screen together. It was the worst idea – worse than Weller having a baby!
Roz: On a scale of one to ten, I’m at an eleven that his romance is dead. Like how the Munchkins feel with the Witch of the West.
I spoke too soon….Reade and Freddy’s girl. Really? What the ever loving fuck? (I’ll edit this wording for the post…probably) NOTE: I’m not editing the bad word.
Rueben: Right before they lip-locked, I yelled at the TV, “don’t even go there, Reade!” and what did he do? He did. ARGH!! Just so damn dumb!! Is he really that hard up for an easy lay that he has to get it from his supposed old school friend’s girl? Really? C’mon! Again, just so damn dumb!!!
Lisa: Please don’t edit the word. lol It so applies for this crazy ass moment! Really Reade? I can’t believe he went there and like Rueben I was yelling at the TV too. I thought he was smarter than that. Clearly he has no respect for the bro-code and wants some drama in his life. Ugh!!! I am so disappointed in him.
Leah: This episode annoyed me when it came to relationships apparently – Reade what are you thinking? You sent Freddy away, you watched a man die that Freddy killed and now you are hooking up with his girl? After lying to her. None of this is good. You used to be the smarter one on the team but now….now I question if you have some brain damage from the explosion.
Roz: Why Edgar do you make such crap decisions? I think he should just think as if he’s a monk and ignore women.
Roman finally got out of his cell for a bit. How do you like him as part of the team?
Rueben: I admit I kinda liked him being out of the “cage” and working with them; but given his predilection for recall of past experiences, how long is it going to be before he really hurts Jane or one of the other members of the team or, worse yet, someone else?
Lisa: I liked seeing him on the team, but I’m still not 100% convinced he knew they had vests on when he shot Weller & Reade. I mean he pulled that trigger hella quick. I still think he’s a ticking time bomb and he makes me nervous.
Leah: If you are going to keep Roman on the show you need him to do something. I’m glad he got out of his cage for the episode.
Roz: He was good and quick in the field, and made for a nice change of pace. It might not work well for more than this case, but I think he should get some sun and a little fresh air.
Do you find it interesting how well (comparatively) Jane adjusted to her new self but how “cold blooded” Roman is?
Rueben: I think Roman was already really far gone compared to Jane – he just experienced so much worse throughout his life than Jane; and I think that is affecting him. And perhaps the influence of being around Weller and the rest of the FBI team helped too. They may be siblings, but I think Roman has been 100% brain-washed while Jane may have been on Sandstorm’s side when she went “under” the memory wipe perhaps there was a deep-seated doubt that “allowed” her to adjust better?
Lisa: Well said Rueben. I agree, Roman was in it much longer than Jane and has a lot more blood on his hands, so his experience getting his memory back will be completely different that Jane’s. She thinks she understands what he’s going through, but I think each instance is case by case. I think it will be tougher for Roman and a lot harder from him to trust people especially the FBI.
Leah: Roman is clearly not adjusting like Jane did. Maybe it is the fact that Roman was with Shepard all those years while Jane was running secret military ops. Gave Jane a sense of purpose and good, until it went wrong. Or her thought that she was Taylor Shaw and Weller’s “fascination” with her/taking her in that changed Jane’s outcome. I don’t totally disagree with the doctors assessment that he needs to be put in a hospital.
Roz: I just liked watching Roman work with Jane, even if he’s usually not the best in difficult situations. Roman’s life is drastically different from Jane’s so I have no reason to want to compare them.
Weller and Jane got one step closer to figuring out Shepard’s connection to Weller. Do you care? What could it possibly be?
Rueben: Yes, I care. They’ve spent so much time so far this season on why Shephard has been focused on Weller since his youth that I want some freaking answers already; and they better be good answers. I don’t have any idea what those answers could be – except that next week’s clips said something along the lines that Kurt could be a double agent (WHAT?) – so they’ve got some explaining to do.
Lisa: Yes! I really fricking care! When I saw her in that yearbook picture, I was like what the hell is she up to? I feel like we are getting closer to finding out the plan and I can’t wait to see what it is, and it better be good!
Leah: I care but I have had enough of this story line. That probably puts me in the minority, but honestly, some answers need to be had and quickly. I can’t take no answers and Jane and Weller not “together” and Reade acting like an idiot. AND that guy who is Weller’s boss. Something has to give.
Roz: I care too! Shepard has been such a huge focus that I think we’re owed an answer for what’s going on. As for what it is, I’ve got nothing.
Blindspot airs Wednesday 8/7c on NBC