LUCIFER Roundtable: ‘Stewardess Interruptus’ The KISS!
Okay, I am jumping in with both feet and starting this meal with the dessert first! FINALLY! The kiss! Thoughts?
Mynda: I wanted MORE. M. O. R. E. It looks like we just might get it next week.
Melissa: I really like that Chloe initiated the kiss because Lucifer finally realized she was worth more than a one-night stand. Chloe IS special. She IS good. She DOES deserve more than the parade of women Chloe had to interview.
Cay: Agreed, and while Chloe did kiss him, I think Lucifer needs to further prove his commitment before they hop into bed or in the end she won’t be all that much different from any of the rest. I have a feeling they will continue to move along in their relationship and just when things are looking good, she’s going to find out who he really is and be rocked to the core.
Lisa: I loved it! I am looking forward to seeing how they handle it next week.
Karen: Two Words: YES PLEASE. I don’t watch for their romance, but it was so satisfying to see their relationship deepen so organically. Especially since we know about their “cosmic” connection.
Who else was taking notes when Luci’s lovers gave us the details on their liaisons?
Mynda: ME! It tickled me how each one kept repeating the same phrase. “The best night of my life!” Hysterical! I also enjoyed while at the same time proving to Chloe that she really is different. She means more than just a one night romp.
Melissa: No, sorry. For me that was an icky scene. I get that Lucifer is a hedonist, but was it necessary to subject Chloe to dozens and dozens of women and men talking about having sex with him? Sure, it helped him come to some realizations about worth – his and hers, I think – but I couldn’t help thinking that, if it were me, I would be totally squicked if a guy I was interested in had been with that many people in the past 8 weeks. EIGHT WEEKS.
Cay: I’m with Melissa. The Bachelor makes me uncomfortable for similar reasons and this scene, while funny, in my mind should have convinced Chloe to say FAR away because she’s not looking for a one-night stand, a threesome, or most of the other stuff that Luci is into. I see the purpose of the scene from a plot perspective of Luci being forced to evaluate himself, but I found myself wondering “Can the devil get STDs?”…and I’m not sure I appreciate the rationale of having Dan in there watching all these interviews – so he feels sexually inferior to Lucifer?
Lisa: Mynda you are my soul sister! lol I was not thinking all deep about Chloe and blah, blah, blah–I was thinking Damn! I need to have the best night of my life! I need to find a man to recharge my battery. Ha Ha Ha!!!! But seriously, since I have to use my brain and all, I agree if I was Chloe I would have been grossed out by the number of lovers he had in the last eight weeks. It would have been a turn off, but it on the other hand it does prove that she is special, because she is!
I feel like Lucifer’s stalker gal is one of us! After all, we have been obsessing and squabbling over Lucifer for a year! I totally get it! What did you think?
Mynda: Luci’s fan girl is a sister after my own heart! “Your my perfect man. Like porn and stuffed crust pizza and my hello kitty blankie all rolled up in one.” I think that chick has been reading my journal!
Melissa: Oh man. I was totally having flashbacks to Comic Con and the madhouse surrounding Tom Ellis. Betcha he drew from that experience for the scene. Also, how does she have time for that level of fandom? Doesn’t she have a job? Geez. (Despite the creep factor, the dolls made me laugh. “Oh good, chest hair options.”)
Cay: She was a bit too “goofy Asian fangirl stereotype” for me, but I liked that despite her craziness, she wasn’t really bad and she helped them with the case.
Lisa: Now this scene was a hot mess. I found Lucifer’s reactions to her funny, but she was a little too far stalker for me. When she broke out the dolls I was like “No Ma’am.” I can’t get down with all that.
Karen: OH PLEASE NO! She *literally* had a serial killer wall in her apartment. The Psycho stabby “sting” music was playing in my head during her scene. She helped the investigation, but fans like her are what make the word “fanatic” true. CRAZYTOWN. She’s why celebrities don’t interact with the more down-to-earth fandom. On the purely fictional front, the scene was cringy-funny on Tom Ellis’ side.
Mynda: I enjoyed it BECAUSE it was so over-the-top and stereotypical! It was all in good fun!
Favorite scene and, or line?
Mynda: I love it when Lucifer really gets serious. One thing is certain. When Mr. Morningstar tells the truth, it cuts to the bone! I love it.
Melissa: Yep, that scene on the beach when Lucifer has his epiphany, and it’s exactly what Chloe needed to hear. Also, that line about Trixie not contributing to the rent. 😀
Cay: Agreed! It’s scenes like that where we see Luci’s humanity and can see how someone could love him, rather than just lust after him. Lucifer + Trixie is always a win!
Lisa: Luci. Beach.True Emotional connection. Kiss. What is better than that?
Question: Who has the best chemistry?
Chloe and Lucifer, Amenadiel and Maze, or Dan and Chloe?
Mynda: As Lucifer and Chloe are hot, but I must say The Chocolate Angel and Maze have burn it up!
Melissa: Oh, Chloe and Lucifer hands down. I think next week is going to be a scorcher. That said, can I put forth another option? Maze and Dan had surprising chemistry in this episode. He doesn’t seem entirely sure what to do with it, either, which makes me enjoy it even more.
Cay: Yuck, not Dan and Chloe, that’s for sure! I like the slow burn of Luci and Chloe, made more interesting by what we now know of Chloe’s past/origin.
Lisa: From that list I’d say Chloe and Lucifer with no question, but my real vote goes to Maze and Dr. Linda! I love those 2 together.
Melissa: And Lisa, I agree about the chemistry between Maze and Dr. Linda. So basically I think we’re saying that Maze + ANYONE = chemistry, right?
Karen: I’m going to wimp out here. This is truly an ensemble show. You can take the puzzle apart and put it together any which way and chemistry happens. Luci and Dan, Linda and Maze, Dan and Maze, Chloe and Lucifer, even the scene between Charlotte and Chloe – take your pick – they’re all amazing.
Lisa: Well Said Karen! You are so right about the show being an ensemble. They all rock it!
Mynda: I second that Karen. This is exactly WHY we love Lucifer! It’s the TOTAL PACKAGE! The show walks a lovely line between, smut, lust, brilliance, truth and hilarity. Lucifer is a RARE Jewel of a show!