THE GOOD PLACE Roundtable: What’s My Motivation
The Good Place brought us one step closer to Eleanor’s fate last night.
Is Jason and Janet just….weird? Do we like this story?
Mynda: NOPE. I want Jason to go to The Bad Place FOREVER.
Roz: I actually like them because I think it makes Jason more relatable. He’s out there but now he’s found something in The Good Place to make him happy.
Melissa: I’m bemused by them. They are weird, but I see the potential to examine love from a different angle through their relationship.
Leah: I guess ‘d like to see where they are going with this – I hope they have somewhere they are going because as it is I am not a fan.
How great are Tahani and Eleanor as true friends?
Mynda: They are growing on me. I was surprised.
Roz: As friends I’m okay with this, but I still think Tahani’s not really in the friendship for the right reason.
Melissa: I like them working together, but I agree with Roz – I still don’t trust Tahani’s motives. Which makes me wonder, are we programmed to distrust truly good people?
Leah: I like that Tahani for the first time hasn’t annoyed me. I don’t however trust her. I think she has been a little shady all season.
A Medium Place? Where was this information earlier and why is there only one person there?
Mynda: I want to know more about the Medium Place! Is it kind of like purgatory?
Roz: I really want this place to be what Eleanor needs. Though is it someplace for Eleanor and Jason with only one other person?
Melissa: Didn’t Eleanor specifically ask about a Medium Place a few weeks ago? Does Michael not know about it? And yeah, who is this Mindy and why is she the only one there?
Leah: Yes! Eleanor did ask about a Medium Place!
Favorite quote? MTV?
Janet: “Is one tongue okay? I can add more tongues.” The metal picture won’t go away!
Roz: The tongue joke made me giggle! As did Marc Evan Jackson as Sean the Judge.
Melissa: That tongue joke made me laugh out loud. I’m going with Janet for MVP; she’s proving to be the conduit for some truths about humanity.
Leah: The comment about how the BBC show ran for 60 seasons and had 30 episodes (I’m paraphrasing but you get the point) cracked me up as elsewhere we are on Season 4 of Sherlock and less than 10 episodes in.
THE GOOD PLACE airs Thursday 8:30/7:30c on NBC