The Vampire Diaries: We Have History Together {Recap}
Happy New Year TVD Fans! The Vampire Diaries is back and started the show with the best line ever! Damon, “Hi. I’m Damon and I have anger issues.” You Think? That made me laugh so hard and pretty much summed up Damon’s first half of this season. Of course the giggles were short lived because the Salvatore brothers ripped through that anger issues meeting, and after the opening I can honestly say that Stefan is scarier than Damon. Even though they are doing the devil’s work, I really enjoy seeing the Salvatore Brothers working together again. They have great chemistry! You know the drill! Grab some wine, and a blanket and let’s dig in!
Caroline was assigned by her boss to go to high school and report on the history class. When she got to class, a student raved about how great the teacher was and when she walked in it was psycho Cybil. Are you kidding me? She is like the gift that keeps on giving! She orchestrated the whole thing with Caroline’s boss because she had a plan for her. Caroline was ready for a fight but Cybil threatened to kill the whole class, so through gritted teeth (or fangs) Caroline sat down.
Stefan, Stefan, Stefan. Wow! He really can turn on the scary in a charming way. That is a testament to Paul Wesley’s performance as he blew me away this episode. Anyway, Stefan saw a doctor that he thought might have a dark past and Damon thought she might be a good person so they made a bet. Stefan cheated by using vervain on Damon and making him appear deathly ill so she would be his doctor. Then Stefan compelled her to think that Damon was the drunk driver that killed her parents. After Stefan’s convincing, she did try to kill Damon which meant Stefan won the bet.
Cybil took the kids on a field trip to where the 100 witches were burned at the stake in the 1700s. She had all the students under mind control to recreate the scene as “extra credit.” She used this scene to motivate Caroline to find the original bell that was present during the ceremony and the last family that touched the bell was Matt’s (that’s why Damon was looking for Matt’s Dad and that is what they have been looking for). She told Caroline to get the bell because it has sentimental value. Simultaneously, Matt, his Dad and the research assistant were looking into family history and artifacts. The research assistant found out that the Maxwell heirloom and the tuning fork fit together to make a clapper, the hammer that swings inside a bell. When you put that together with the bell, the sound of the tuning fork that hurts the sirens would be amplified by a ton! That is serious weapon and that is why psycho Cybil is so desperate to find it.
Matt and his Dad went to save the kids on the field trip before Cybil burnt them all at the stake. They began to untie the kids, just as Cybil discovered that Seline left her a note teasing that she had the bell. That really pissed her off so she used her mind control to have a student start the fire that would have killed the entire history class, but luckily Matt and his Dad untied all the kids just in time. No student casualties (on this episode at least).
We end with Damon witnessing Stefan take out the whole hospital wing unnecessarily. He finally lost control. Ripper Stefan is back with a vengeance and it isn’t pretty. Put on your seatbelts folks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
What did you think of tonight’s episode? What are your thoughts on Ripper Stefan? Will he be able to over come it? Stay tuned and check back with us next week for another new episode!
The Vampire Diaries airs Friday nights at 8/7c on The CW.