VIDEO! Syfy’s THE EXPANSE just released a HYSTERICAL ReCAT of Season One!
Fans of The Expanse are anticipating the second season, set to return in a double-episode premiere on February 1.
As a primer for the show’s arrival, Syfy unveiled a brilliant recap of the first season using cat doppelgangers! The highly, entertaining spoof included cat reenactments of the first season’s search for Julie Mao (Julie Meow) by the fedora-wearing Detective Miller. Other major characters featured included the coffee-loving Holden and the powerful and beautiful Avasarala.
The cherry on top was the exceptionally clever cat depictions of some of the season’s most memorable moments. It was impossible to pick a favorite. However, cat versions of Miller’s excess drinking, zero-gravity sex and Julie’s death left me howling (or should I say, purring) in delight!
The feline fascination on The Expanse is not new. In the first episode, we were introduced to the now-deceased Captain McDowell and his addiction to collecting ceramic cats as investment grade antiques. It makes me wonder how the ever-clever writers might weave in more references of the beloved kitties.
Come join with us ( @Nicegirlstv & @PxlWvr) this season as we live tweet the episodes and be sure to catch up on all our coverage here!