THE GOOD PLACE: “Chidi’s Choice” {Roundtable}
The Good Place returned from its winter holiday hiatus, just with a few more episodes in this season. Eleanor (Kristen Bell) has to deal with her name twin as well as her situation in The Good Place, while Chidi (William Jackson Harper) deals with his own indecision.
Real Life only allowed Mynda and me to comment on so many love declarations and awkward moments.
1. Please rate Eleanor’s “She Loves Chidi” speech.
Roz: I mean, it’s close to “I am totally butt crazy in love with Josh.” from Clueless, which might be my standard for sudden realizations, but it was funny today to watch Eleanor just talk and talk and then have the light go on.
Mynda: I really enjoyed watching Eleanor circle her thoughts till she landed right on what everyone else already knew. It made me smile.
2. Please rate Tahani’s (Jameela Jamil)’s “She Loves Chidi” speech.
Roz: Okay, Tahani gets points for making a spin on Anna’s declaration from “Notting Hill” but her’s lacks the heart I wanted to hear.
Mynda: I totally agree with you Roz. Bonus points for movie reference, but otherwise she fell flat.
3. Do you like Chidi’s indecisiveness or does it make him more human?
Roz: Now that I’ve seen that it contributed to his death, I wish he’d stick with a choice and be okay with it, but the drive to be perfect is sort of endearing.
Mynda: It made me feel less neurotic and also amplified the reality that being afraid to make a decision is a decision that can seriously harm you.
4. Jason and Janet WHAT?
Roz: Is it sad that I loved that wedding and their wedding dance? It was a purely joyous moment in an episode filled with big decisions.
Mynda: I don’t get it. It felt like the writers ran out of ideas and just threw that in.
The Good Place airs Thursdays at 8:30 on NBC.