Blindspot Roundtable: Gunshot Wounds, Memory Loss and Awkward Kisses. Hello 2017!
Happy New Year Everyone! Blindspot returned last night with a vengeance. This episode was a nail-biter and a great way to kick off 2017! We were relieved that Patterson made it out alive but she definitely had some challenges! We couldn’t wait to discuss episode Nor I, Nigel, AKA Leg In Iron (what a title!) so let’s get down to it!
Patterson seriously keeps a licking and keeps on ticking! After being shot and beat up, she was still working for the team from her hospital bed. Were you surprised to see her bounce back so quickly? How do you think this last incident will affect her future relationships? Will she ever be able to trust again?
Rueben: She is amazing to say the least! Honestly I wasn’t surprised that she was at work on a laptop in her hospital room. She’s that tenacious and focused no matter what; but I think, at some point, she’s gonna have to crash and burn. Adrenaline can only last for so long. As for any kind of relationship in the future, I think it’s going to take a long time for her to trust anyone outside of the team.
Roz: I think with the right meds, that gunshot wound is easy enough to recover from, and the eardrum will just be time, but the team needed the help so I’m glad she was there. I think she’ll be less trusting of people she meets or who suddenly take an interest in her, but she could just ignore all other social interactions outside of the team and try to save herself.
Lisa: Oh my God! the eardrum scenes were so hard to watch. I cringed! Patterson is seriously the definition of a badass. I wasn’t surprised that she was working from the hospital because like Rueben said, her adrenaline was working in her favor. But I know this is going to affect her and she’s going to have to deal with the heartache of it all and I am not looking forward to seeing that Patterson. I hate to see her unhappy. As far as relationships go, I think she will be flying solo for quite some time.
Now that Roman has lost his memory, do you think he and Jane will have a fresh start with their relationship? Or do you think his memories will bring him back to the dark side?
Rueben: I think that at first they will have a fresh start for the sibling relationship, but I don’t think his dark side will be buried for too long. Obviously we saw him reacting to visions of memories coming back to him already, and I think he will revert back pretty quickly.
Roz: I wish Jane would just ignore Roman, but I get that he’s part of her long history. I think her lying about who zapped him will affect their relationship later when he finds out (because he will).
Lisa: I agree with Roz, I think when he finds out she lied about their mother erasing his memory, any trust he had in he will be gone. I fell like Roman will get his memories back faster than Jane did, and unfortunately I don’t think he will be converted to the good side. I definitely think he will go dark and possibly be worse that he was to start with.
How do you think Reade’s attempted kiss will affect his friendship with Zapata?
Rueben: I’d rather see Reade and Zapata together than ever see another romantic scene between Nas and Weller; but I don’t think Zapata is ready to move toward a relationship anything beyond friendship with Reade. I think for now they need to keep things platonic.
Roz: I don’t need another ship on this show, so let them stay friends, please!
Lisa: Awkward! I’ve got to give Reade credit for going for it, but it was totally strange. I like their friendship, but I also agree with Rueben, I’d much rather see them together that Nas & Weller. Yuck!
Apparently Weller is very important for Sandstorm’s final plan. Why do you think they want to keep him alive?
Rueben: This whole situation has been completely befuddled and confused. I cannot begin to imagine or even try to conceive a reason for their finding Weller a crucial part of their plan. I just wish they would give us a glimmer of a hint.
Roz: I’ve got nothing for what he means, other than that he means something pretty big. However, Sheppard and Weller feel more like contemporaries so I don’t get it.
Lisa: I’m in the same boat ladies! I have no idea why Weller is so important. I hope we get a hint soon because analyzing it over and over in my head is driving me nuts!
Episode VIP?
Rueben: Patterson, without question. What she went through in this episode was just unbelievable. She is not only the Energizer bunny but she is an amazing and incredible woman.
Roz: PATTERSON! I just want to keep her safe but she did do plenty of hard work while staying alive.
Lisa: It’s unanimous! Patterson hands down. That woman is full of strength, intelligence and wit and I freaking love her! What an episode for her!
Any Additional comments/predictions?
Rueben: I want to see them take down Borden so hard for all that he has done. And I can’t wait to see them exact revenge on Shepherd with full force and vile intentions. She deserves nothing less than the worst kind of treatment.
Roz: Yeah, I’m with Rueben. Borden needs to go down and pay for what he did.
Lisa: I can’t wait to see Borden get what’s coming to him. Shepherd too. I’m also curious to see what happens when Nas returns to the team. I still don’t trust her and think there is something there. We shall see!
Blindspot airs Wednesday nights at 8/7c on NBC!