TIMELESS: 50 Thoughts on “Stranded”
The team heads back to 1754 to stop Flynn. Are they going to go back to some point in time every week? No week will they just hang out in the present time and work on their problems?
Anyway – they go back, they have some issues (more than normal) and they figure out how to work together.
I had some thoughts on the episode – follow along, won’t you?
1. You couldn’t pay me to go back to 1754
2. Shouldn’t French be one of Wyatt’s many languages?
3. Oh – Lucy speaks French. Of course.
4. Wyatt is bad ass when he remembers he is Delta Force.
5. How many people have they killed in the past? Are we going to talk about how this changes the future?
6. I don’t like the Three Amigos when they are fighting.
7. Well that sucks. A broken time machine is all kinds of bad.
8. Did Flynn go back to 1754 just to strand the team? Because that’s a little smart.
9. Oh no – it was the French commanders son that Wyatt killed.
10. Ha Ha – Like a flux capacitor.
11. Rufus is going to MacGuyver this shit!
12. Seriously Rufus has the best lines. He is hilarious.
13. Message in a bottle. Interesting way to contact the future.
14. Rufus hates the outdoors – that’s one reason to love him.
15. Team Time Travel needs to get it together. This fighting is getting to be ridiculous.
16. First the French and now the Natives. This has been a rough day.
17. Lucy seems pretty calm about all of this tying to the stake stuff.
18. Well what do you know – Connor and the team are looking for the message in a bottle in present time. Protocol is old school but effective.
19. Chocolate dipped Twinkies is what will bring the team back together?
20. Ahhh – Rufus loves Jiya. She’s his lobster. He didn’t word it that way but he should have.
21. Nothing like imminent death to give the team a chance to bond.
22. Can we talk about how we need Wyatt and Lucy to – get together?
23. The Chief is a woman…and she speaks English.
24. Dr. Quinn – Medicine Woman. Love it!
25. Rufus may just be saving their lives.
26. That wac ons a very All For One speech, Rufus.
27. Connor and Jiya find Rufus’s note and it is blank. The ink has…disappeared.
28. Team Time Travel seems to have fixed their issues.
29. Pretty risky to go traipsing around the French Fort.
30. Rufus is going to do some blacksmithing. His pep talk is hilarious.
31. Okay, why is Rufus actually a good blacksmith? He is smithing all the things.
32. “He has too much blood.” That’s not good.
33. I wanted to Paul Revere Team Time Travel – The French are coming. The French are coming. (I know that isn’t how it went)
34. Rufus isn’t being too comforting.
35. See number 11!
36. Jiya and team only find two words left on the paper from Rufus. Hopefully the alcohol they are drinking will help them figure out what it means.
37. Connor says some really touching things about Rufus. I know he cares but it bothers me because of the Rittenhouse angle.
38. Yep, Jiya figures out the clues from Rufus. Rufus better get off the time machine and kiss that woman.
39. The French are way too close for Rufus to be making jokes!
40. So instead of freaking out over the metal sphere in the middle of the forest the French start shooting. No pause, just shooting.
41. That time machine doesn’t sound very….healthy.
42. Oh – so whirring metal sphere freaks out the French. Okay.
43. Ahhh – They are all holding hands. That is the sweetest thing. Team Time Travel!
44. Jiya saved the! She wins the day!
45. She just saved their life and all Jiya got was a dazed wave from Rufus.
46. Yay Jiya – making the first move.
47. Our Homeland Agent is going to surveil Connor.
48. Team Time Travel made the history books. The first UFO sighting in North America.
49. The team sharing drinks is everything.
50. History is a series of choices. Very philosophical Wyatt.
Timeless airs 10/9c on NBC