SALEM: Devil’s Work {Recap}
Salem, yet again, does a great job of prolonging the purpose of this season’s evil, The Devil, and what his plans are. The people in Salem are also doing their part to work against The Devil’s will, but perhaps their plans may work at cross purposes.
In this week’s episode, “The Reckoning”, The Devil, or John Sibley (Oliver Bell), is intent on working quickly to bring about the end of the world. He’s using the French and Indian War as pretense to kill the world, bringing all the refugees from across Massachusetts (all the way out to Deerfield, which is no small distance) into Salem before the final rite can be performed.
Mary Sibley (Janet Montgomery) spends the episode trapped in a mental prison put together by The Sentinel (Samuel Roukin). By the end of the episode, John Sibley has also stripped her of all her witchcraft.
I’m pretty sure that a scorned woman is not what the Devil wants?
Meanwhile, John Alden (Shane West) goes off to find out what happened in Deerfield with only one other hand. Too bad while they’re investigating all the death and wreckage, Baron Marburg (Joe Doyle) is there delivering to the French Angel Tears to help destroy all these cities.
Cotton Mather (Seth Gabel) is working against his wife, Anne (Tamzin Merchant), as she continues to control him and keep him quiet about all of the witches in town.
But when the Selectmen want to know Cotton’s opinion on the situation and how best to work with all of this uncertainty, there’s a sense that Cotton won’t follow his wife for much longer. Brown Jenkins, Anne’s familiar, is the only clue that Cotton wants to go against the witch’s plan.
But when she watches John Sibley remove all of Mary’s powers, she looks skeptical of the ultimate plan of The Devil.
With even some of his followers cracking under the pressure, what will come next?
Salem airs Wednesdays at 9PM/8PM Central on WGN America.