Karen's Pull List
Karen’s Pull List: Series 01, Issue 07 – For the WE 11/12/16
These shows might be based on Comic Books, but this week they delve into the deeper issues that are somemtimes tackled in the medium. There’s some serious and some light, but all are entertaining. I’m ready to discuss ’em all with you.
Walking Dead 7×03 The Cell
Rating: 9 Polaroid Pics
- Who Indeed: A Critical Analysis of Television’s “Who’s the Boss”
In a pretty obvious nod to the theme of the episode, we start with Dwight watching an episode of Who’s the boss. Cooking what looked like a pretty delicious sandwich for himself, and then making a fairly horrifying dog food sandwich for Darryl, who’s actually eaten worse.
He’s being kept in a dark dank cell, where Negan’s men are carrying out his orders, trying to break him. He’s underestimating Darryl. Negan doesn’t know all the things Darryl’s already been through. Darryl never lived on Easy Street – but hey. - Agent Orange
Meanwhile, another one of Negan’s soldiers, Gordon, has decided to take off with some supplies. This is not allowed, so Dwight volunteers to go out and get him. Negan reminds him that he’s above having to do grunt work, but Dwight’s having a crisis of conscience, so he goes out anyway.
On the way, he finds a pile of infected. Seeing a big mound of zombies isn’t exactly the most common occurrence, so he stops for a minute to assess the situation. He doesn’t realize that perhaps there’s a reason for the pileup, which becomes clear when a walker falls through a hole in the overpass above him. There’s a bit of a tussle, but Dwight narrowly avoids being bitten, and then continues on to find Gordon.
Gordon seems to be completely unsurprised that he’s been found, and Dwight is unsettled by that. Gordon is ready to throw in the towel. He gives Dwight a choice – let him go or kill him. He talks to Negan’s soldier, saying that there’s only one Negan, and hundreds of men that could, theoretically, rise up and take over. He resigns himself to whatever fate Dwight has in store for him as he turns to walk away, and in turn, is shot dead for his efforts.
Later, we see Gordon as a walker, tied outside Negan’s compound as one of the infected that “guards” the grounds. - Involuntary Confinement
While Darryl was literally holed up in solitary confinement, Dwight was also in his own type of prison. We’re starting to see a crack in his armor, although whether it breaks or not is still up for debate. Gordon pointed out that Negan isn’t infallible, and Dwight is reminded, both by Darryl and Negan himself, that life as a Savior isn’t exactly paradise.
We get an explanation of what happened between Dwight’s two earliest appearances, and it’s not pretty. The Saviors found them, took them in, and Negan wanted Lisa as his “wife” in exchange for medicine. They eventually rebelled and left the compound, which led to Lisa’s death in the woods – then their recapture and return to Negan, where Dwight was reprimanded with an iron to the face. His wife, Sherry, was “voluntarily” surrendered to Negan as a surrogate wife to replace Lisa, and Dwight became his soldier.
In this episode, he sees his ex with a negative pregnancy test. Reminding him that she’s not his wife anymore, and that Negan has claimed her. It’s hard to tell how much this affects him, but I think he’s showing some signs of rebellion again. Darryl is showing him that you don’t have to bend to Negan’s will.
Supergirl 2×05 Crossfire
Rating: 8 Forbidden Donuts
- Data Miner-ing
The story masquerading as the main storyline was about this season’s big-bad, Cadmus. “The Doctor” has given a criminal named Chet Miner access to alien weaponry, and set him loose to wreak havok on the city. What better way to force National City citizens to hate aliens than to make it unsafe with their technology? Of course, Cadmus isn’t above using criminals as pawns, after all, they’re the bad guys too – so he’s disposed of as well by the end of the episode. - A Plan Full of Winn
In an episode all about finding oneself, Winn catches James out fighting crime in a hoodie. Not the best way to be under the radar, dude. I really missed their bromance, so when they had their chat, I dug it big-time. James tells Winn that he feels out of place in charge of CatCo, and is tired of being the perennial sidekick. He wants to be more, and he’s working out a plan to do so. James enlists Winn’s help, and he jumps at the chance. Anything to get to design another costume, amirite? - She’s Coming Out
At the end of the episode, Cadmus’ Doctor emerges from the shadows to talk to Lena Luthor. In a surprise reveal, she turns out to be Lillian Luthor, the mother of both Lena and Lex. (I bet you thought this bullet point was about Alex, right?) - Powerful Playboy
Another character that will have to figure out his place in the world is Mon-El. Kara takes him to CatCo so he can earn his keep and learn about life on Earth. Turns out CatCo doesn’t really help him out much. He doesn’t understand the concept of work, indulges in his whims, and just simply doesn’t want to be there. Kara and Alex talk about how Kara got to grow up and find herself over time, so she decides to let Mon-El do the same. Forcing him to fit into her mold isn’t going to work because he’s not the same kind of person that she is. (that’s an understatement btw – a HUGE understatement). - “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.” – Douglas Adams
I used a quote from one of my favorite authors to describe this storyline, because not only is it apt, but because he was a huge influence on who I’ve become. Alex is making the journey to who she’ll become, and making the connection between how her social life has been, and how she feels about Maggie has been startling.
She never expected this turn in her life, and that’s apparent in the very awkward conversation she has with Maggie. Luckily her new friend is understanding, and is ready to listen whenever Alex needs her – she seems to be very patient as Alex is stammering her way through the realization to which she’s arrived.
Alex has never been comfortable in intimate situations with men, and her attraction to Maggie has illuminated the fact that she is most likely gay. I love that they’ve taken such an iconic character from the comics (Maggie Sawyer), and given her this storyline with Alex. Chyler Leigh and Floriana Lima have such great chemistry on the show, and it translates into an amazing story – and I for one can’t wait to see how it pans out.
Gotham 3×08 Blood Rush
Rating: 8 Anesthetic Cocktails (not being served at Lee’s party)
I’m subtle this week…
- Face-off
Our villain this week is a plastic surgeon that takes faces from unsuspecting victims and gives them to the elite and other people that need new identities. Pauly Pennies is on the other end of their endeavor, but there’s a middleman, and he’s “The Toad.”
When Barnes follows a lead to Pauly, he gives up the Toad right away, and asks to be led away in cuffs. That’s not good enough for Barnes, and with his new – um… issues, you can guess what happens next. The GCPD gets called to the crime scene, where they find both bodies. The one halfway dissolved by Pauly, and the Pauly himself. - Face-off
Comissioner Barnes is horrified by what he’s becoming, so he decides to visit the man who might be able to give him some answers. Jervis Tetch AKA the Mad Hatter. As with all conversations with Mr. Tetch, it’s odd to say the least. He’s delighted to see his sister living inside of Barnes, and he laughs when he’s asked how her influence can be removed.
Jervis tells him that it’s only by submitting to the urges that he can truly be free, which of course is madness – literally. He says that when the voices come, he’ll be free to see the world as it really is. If that’s the case, he better watch out – Gotham isn’t pretty. - Face-off
Oswald is still feeling threatened by Isabella, so when Ed expresses his fears about hurting her like he hurt Kristen, Oswald is more than happy to break up with her for him. He has a chat with her, but instead of meekly accepting the news, she shows him her backbone.
Isabella says that she loves Ed and wants to be with him, and on top of that, she knows Oswald is in love with him as well. She lets him know she’s quite secure in her relationship with Ed, and the Mayor won’t be putting her off so easily. - Face-off
Ed, believing that breaking up with Isabella is still the best course of action, hesitantly starts to embark upon that topic with her – only to find her embodying Kristen Kringle down to the last detail. He has good reason to think he’ll hurt her – earlier in the episode he had a mirror chat, but this time with his late ex – Kristen herself.
She says it’s so Ed will see that no matter how much she may look, sound, or act like Kristen, he’ll never hurt her. Isabella gets right up in his face and confronts him. She takes his hand and puts it on her neck – almost daring him to choke her – and it turns from what could be a violent action, into a passionate reaction. - Face-off
Meanwhile, Mario feels threatened by the news that James has returned to the GCPD. After all, his fiancee works there, and she hid the news from him for several days before telling him that she and James would be working together again.
This leads Mario to organize an engagement party, as a show of unity, and a subtle push for Lee. But someone crashes the party. None other than Stabby Babs. She has a showdown with Lee, and short as it is, she makes a good point. She asks if Lee misses James. The passion that they had together. Lee responds that when given the choice between steady, loving Mario – and unpredictable James, she’d take Mario every time.
To me, this seemed like a lot of things were being communicated. Lee likes the “safe” bad boys. Barbara makes it clear that James has a lot of fire, but Lee was only with him while he was a cop. So she took security in that fact. After he went rogue, she found someone with a steady job, but his last name is Falcone – ties to the mob family. Safe by himself, but with that hidden danger lurking around the corner.
Now that James is back on the force, who knows where things will go? - Face-off
While Lee and Babs have a confrontation inside, the GCPD show up to arrest the esteemed (according to the party-goers) plastic surgeon, Dr. Symon. Mario greets them at the door, not wanting them to make a disturbance during the event, but he also wants to make something clear to James.
The younger Mr. Falcone won’t be allowing James any leeway when it comes to Lee (pardon the alleeteration). He manages to get in a cheap shot on James, and James allows it – saying he’ll let him have that one, for Lee’s sake. - Face-off
Lastly, Barnes – being at the party as a guest, absconds with Symon before he can be taken in by the SCPD. Alice’s blood is overcoming his senses, and he’s enraged by Symon’s crimes. He hears the word “guilty” over and over when he sees the bad doctor, so he decides to mete out justice in finality, by dropping him out the window.
He’s found there by Gordon, and whispers Barnes’ name with his last breath.
Lucifer 2×07 My Little Monkey
Rating: 8.5 First Paychecks
- Please, No Dadbatross
One of the things we (the Storming the Castle podcasters) used to call the “dead mother” storyline on Castle was the “Mombatross,” because it just kept popping up – even though we wanted it to be OVER. They beat it like the deadest of horses, when there were so many more interesting things they could’ve been writing about.
I explain that so you know why I use that as a storyline title. I love that they went back to show us Chloe’s relationship with her father – and to explain the circumstances behind his death, but I’m hoping we won’t revisit it again.
One of Chloe’s best attributes is the fact that she’s got an iron will laced with vulnerability, and I think bringing her father’s death up again would just weaken her amazing personality traits.
That being said, the writers did a great job showing us how her father got in over his head and into trouble, and also how wonderful her relationship with him was. - Lasting Impressions
As Chloe had to recuse herself from the case, that meant that Dan had to take the lead. Lucifer didn’t want to be left out, and he seized upon the opportunity to spend more time with “Detective Douche.”
Right now Luci is feeling alone and unlikeable, and he sees that Dan is a very likeable fellow. He wants to find out how he maintains that affability, so hanging out with him seems to be the best way to do that. Lucifer goes all-in, dressing like Dan, talking like Dan, walking like Dan, doing every little thing like Dan. He still doesn’t quite get it, so he follows the Detective to an improv class. Mr. Douche just happens to be doing a bit of impersonating of his own.
Lucifer takes exception to the fact that Dan is pretending to be him. Pretend-driving around L.A. and discussing women in a very convincing accent. They have a sit-down and when Dan tells Lucifer that he feels belittled and not harmlessly teased by him, Luci and he seem to come to a greater understanding of each other. - Usefully on the Bounty
Maze wants to talk to her friend, Dr. Linda – so she shows up at her office. She’s not sure where to go with her life now that she’s not working at Lux and wants some advice. Maze doesn’t know that Lucifer spilled the beans yet however, so when Linda refuses to see her, she’s a little surprised. She works it out after Linda asks if she can “teleport.”
Maze is heartbroken. Dr. Linda is one of the first people she considers a true friend (I think Trixie is another), and losing her is devastating. Later, they talk through the door, and Maze asks her to see past her origins to the person Linda has come to know.
Before the episode ends, the two women have another conversation where Maze wants Linda to know that she’s found her calling. She shows her a check that she got from the LAPD for Bounty Hunting, and is about to leave when Linda finally opens the door.
Arrow 5×06 So It Begins
Rating: 7 (Hopefully Empty) Elevated Trains
- Always with the Algorithms
Ugh. I’m so tired of the useless tech-speak so we don’t question what Felicity and Curtis do in order to get information. In this episode they run “Algorithms” to backwards-engineer anagrams that might make up names for future victims for this season’s big bad, Prometheus. Because taking all the names from Oliver’s Season 1 list and scrambling all those letters and then comparing them to all the names of Star City residents would return six names. SIX NAMES.
My BS detector was going off BIG TIME with that one. If you can’t tell, I really hate it when stupid stuff takes my mind out of the story – and this far-fetched explanation definitely did.
The city has dubbed Prometheus “The Throwing Star Killer,” even though the impliments he uses are actually shurikens – but that one I get. We find out that they’re fashioned out of Ollie’s arrowheads, and they’re coming from the SCPD – so our killer is (supposedly) a cop. I only say supposedly there because they throw an OBVIOUS red herring in at the end of the episode in the form of Deputy Mayor Lance, and then there’s Felicity’s new beau as well, but honestly – with the security there, it could really be anyone. *cough*TommyFlashpoint*cough* - Team Players
Oliver is finding out that his lone wolfish status isn’t helping him keep his minions in line – nor is his attitude that ‘his team’ aren’t equals. He never gave them his backstory, which really wasn’t their business, but whatevs.
They don’t like that they’re working for a “serial killer,” and Evelyn in particular hates this fact. I’m getting really tired of this “we trust him/we trust him not” thing every week, so I hope they’re done with it now. They have a tentative truce by the end of the episode, so let’s keep our fingers crossed, shall we?
There’s a bit of a side story about Quentin not being a team player as well – when we learn that he was never on the wagon. Not a shocker – c’mon Thea, you couldn’t figure that out? - An American Playboy in Russia
Oddly enough, where the show has been at it’s weakest in the past few seasons, now it’s amazingly compelling. The flashbacks. We’re learning more about his time in Russia with the Bratva this year, and I. AM. DIGGING. IT.
We get the first appearance of Kovar – played by perennial Russian baddie – Dolph Lundgren. He chews the scenery delightfully, and it’s a joy to watch him taunt rich boy-turned thug Oliver Queen with a drink in one hand and a cigar in the other.
More please!
Legends OT 2×05 Compromised
Rating: 7.5 Shoulder Pads
- I Almost Died in Your Arms Tonight
We visited the scene of a time quake caused by Damien Darhk, and it just happened to be in the 1980s. Vixen knows that a time-traveler killed Hourman, but apparently she’s not the only one. When they show up, Obsidian, another member of the JSA, finds them. He’s lived through all those years though, so he’s his older self – played by Lance Henriksen.
I’ll give you a little bit of Comic book info about Todd Rice (Obsidian). He’s the son of Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern, and they nicely nod to the fact that he’s also gay in the comics. - Ein dumme Stein
The team sees young Professor Stein again, this time at the White House. Martin doesn’t remember ever being there during the IMF treaty talks, so he knows there’s something hinky going on. “Our” Martin knows it’s Clarissa’s birthday, and shouldn’t be leaving her alone, but younger Martin says he has important things to do and says she ordered room service.
He then finds Damien meeting with a Russian on the sly, and gets himself stabbed in the process. Inexplicably, the injury affects the elder Stein as well, and they’re treated together on the Waverider.
Later, once our Martin is better, he and Jax attend a party at the White House where Stein gets to dance with a young Clarissa. He tells her that she should be patient with her husband, he may seem unthinking, but he loves her – after all, he should know. - Predicting the Future
For the umpteenth time, our team has to tell Sara not to kill Damien Darhk, although… really? they pull her back several times, and once she’s all alone with him, she decides to be magnanimous and let him live. Only to lay out his entire life plan. Because duh – let’s just clue him in on all his failures so he can fix them, right? omg how can you be allowed to live Sara? - Don’t Cross the Streams
Mick has given Ray Captain Cold’s gun, and there’s still a bit of a learning curve happening in this episode. It’s got a bit of a Ghostbuster’s vibe to it, where the only rule is “Don’t Cross the Streams,” which Ray ignores when they’re trying to stop Sara from killing Damien at the White House. They narrowly avoid disaster, and retreat to the Waverider, where Mick has a bit of a talk with our pal Ray.
Later, there’s a bomb at the dinner party, and Ray (instead of throwing it out a window or something like that), has to use parts from the cold gun to disarm it – and Mick decides to keep Ray as his new partner with a grudging respect.
Mick is my new fave on the show. He’s got all the good lines, and the character growth. I like it. Maybe he should take over leadership from Sara? - Hadron, Hadroff, Hadron/Hadroff… the Collider
The theory behind wormhole time-travel would need something like the Hadron Collider to facilitate the speed necessary to create it. I assume that’s the implication they make when they show Eobard running in a circle around his little contraption in order to take Damien on a trip through time.
Pretty cool, seeing as it’s based on a real-life theory – and it makes sense to me that it would work, based on our knowledge of the “Berlanti-verse.”
Luke Cage 1×06 Suckas Need Bodyguards
Rating: 8 Bloody Badges
- Describe what Cottonmouth looks like!
I’ll ‘splain this one up front – the actor that played Detective Scarfe also played Brett in Pulp Fiction. If you don’t mind profanity, you can see the quote I’m referencing in my storyline title here.
The quote is fairly apt in this instance as well since Cottonmouth calls Scarfe’s bluff when he asks for more money by shooting him in the gut. He manages to get to the barbershop where Luke and Claire tend to him, although he dies anyway. Scarfe gives Luke the ammo he needs to take down Cottonmouth, which is given to Misty, so he gets taken in to custody in the end. - Mariah Carries the Weight
Meanwhile, Mariah is standing firmly in the spotlight, giving an interview. It starts out as a puff piece, but quickly turns against her as the reporter ties her to Cottonmouth and his organization. She ends the interview, but she’s confronted again later when her nephew is taken into custody. Mariah is visibly shaken – showing that this is the first time she’s hearing the news that he’s been caught, and we’ll see how her relations to her relations shake out later on. - She’s a Hero Magnet
Claire finds Luke in the diner, and sits with him – although he certainly doesn’t recognize her. She remembers him clearly, but since he had a gunshot wound in his noggin when they last met, he was a bit worse for wear.
He’s hesitant about using or showing his powers, but Claire is in awe. She’s seen what kind of good people like Daredevil can do, and she thinks Luke could do a lot with his powers. She’d also love to learn how they work – she didn’t get to see behind the scenes like we did a couple of episodes ago.
Claire’s going to be the underground nurse for the do-gooders of New York, and it makes her a hero in her own right. Netflix’s Marvel’s Universe Night Nurse.
That’ll do it for this week, here’s what’s on the docket for next week.
Luke Cage 1×07: “Manifest” (Netflix)
Mariah’s political career comes under fire, and Cottonmouth picks up information that could put Luke on the run.
The Walking Dead 7×04: “Service” (9pm ET on AMC)
Back at Alexandria, Rick and his group mourn the tragic events that have occurred recently, but soon receive a visit from Negan.
Supergirl 2×06: “Survivors” (8pm ET on CW)
The Guardian arrives to lend a hand when an alien parasite drains Supergirl of her power. Mon-El contemplates his motives when he considers a new career. Alex faces a new reality.
Gotham 3×09: “Mad City: The Executioner” (8pm ET on FOX)
Gordon and Bullock become suspicious of Barnes and go through evidence of a murder at Lee and Mario’s engagement party. Nygma goes to Penguin when he doesn’t hear from Isabella. Ivy leads Selina and Bruce to trouble when she reveals her identity.
Lucifer 2×08: “Trip to Stabby Town” (9pm ET on FOX)
Lucifer seeks Azrael’s blade when he discovers it’s been used in a string of violent stabbings linked to a local yoga studio.
The Flash 3×06: “Shade” (8pm ET on CW)
Wally has visions of being Kid Flash, so Barry must tell him about what happened in Flashpoint to keep him safe.
Arrow 5×07: “Vigilante” (8pm ET on CW)
Oliver discovers there’s a new vigilante in Star City when the bodies of two criminals are dropped at the SCPD. In flashbacks, Oliver faces Konstantin Kovar.
Legends of Tomorrow 2×06: “Outlaw Country” (8pm ET on CW)
The Legends find Jonah Hex in trouble with his arch-nemesis Quentin Turnbull when they arrive in the Old West.