THE GOOD PLACE Roundtable: Someone Like Me as a Member
The Good Place gives us some more insight into The Bad Place while Michael tries to figure out a way to negotiate for Fake Eleanor’s “life”.
Bad Janet!
Melissa: Amazing! She’s every bratty teenager you’ve ever met!
Roz: I want more of her! She reminds me of work and it amuses me to see Michael have to deal with it.
Leah: She was so awesome. Even for the two seconds she was on the TV.
Have we seen Chidi’s house? Where does he live?
Melissa: No, we haven’t seen Chidi’s house yet. I’ve been curious about it myself. I assume, if he and Real Eleanor are soulmates, that it’s similar to hers.
Roz: I don’t think we’ve seen it and I want to see it too. I imagine there’s lots of books, but who knows what else.
Leah: I need to see his house. Why haven’t we seen it yet? Is he staying with Eleanor?
Tahani knows about Jianyu! Do you see Tahani telling or trying to cover it up/work with her “soulmate” like Chidi did?
Melissa: Knowing what she does of The Bad Place now, I think she holds off on telling anyone (aka Michael) until she sees how things go down for Fake Eleanor.
Roz: I think she’ll want him to follow her lead so that no one else knows he’s also fake. But I also think she might eventually turn him in because it’ll mean less chaos in The Good Place, which she loves.
Leah: I don’t see her telling. That would reflect badly on her and I can’t see her being okay with that. I would really like to see her good vs bad tally again. Something about her rubs the wrong way.
Trevor is gone for now. How do they prove Fake Eleanor belongs in The Good Place?
Melissa: First, Trevor is awful. That bit about the unicorn almost made me vomit. In the span of about 20 seconds, I went from thinking “Adam Scott is adorable and his ‘demon’ should be a hoot” to “OMG HE’S AWFUL GO AWAY!” That’s some effective character building! Now, how to prove Fake Eleanor belongs in The Good Place…I have no idea. Is there some sort of test? Can the other residents write character references for her? Why do we have to wait until January to find out?!?
Roz: I think she has to learn and prove she should stay there because she’s willing to change. I found her high school personality to be really telling and how much she wants to be alone except here in The Good Place. As for Trevor, man does make me want to punch him in the face (or other places).
Leah: Trevor is absolutely the most awful “person”. Eleanor again said there should be a medium place. I wonder if that will come back into play at a later date. I’m wondering how Eleanor could ever prove she is good enough to be in the place they save for the top 1%…half of 1%.
Favorite lines? MVP? Etc…
Melissa: My MVP is Michael. It took him a while to work up the courage, but he stood up to Trevor and his crew, and he’s finding a way to keep Fake Eleanor in The Good Place. I’m proud of him.
Roz: Janet learning about jalapeno poppers, but then also Michael standing up to Trevor.
Leah: Besides Bad Janet I thought Michael trying to decide what to give someone who would eat a unicorn amusing…in a terrible way.
The Good Place will be back in January on NBC