SALEM: Bring Out Your Dead! {Recap}
Salem returned tonight with a bang (and some blood) along with a bevvy of characters that appeared dead in last season’s finale as dead who really aren’t (and when won’t it be good for Monty Python?).
At the end of the hour, the new stage is set and the new battle over Salem has been drawn.
The New King
John (Oliver Bell) is ruling over Salem as the devil on Earth, waiting to kill all the citizens in the village and start anew to prove how ill-suited these people are for G-d.
Anne Hale (Tamzin Merchant) and Sebastian (Joe Doyle) are set to stand at his side, as his brother and sister, while he waits for his plan of world-end disasters seem on the horizon.
At least both Anne and Sebastian seem somewhat weary, even if they have no option but to obey their younger, but more powerful, leader. John may be even more powerful with the Sentinel (Samuel Roukin) shows up and looks as if he wants to tear all of Salem apart.
Not the End
As soon as the witches of Massachusetts hear what John has in store for them, and after Tituba (Ashley Madekwe) learns of what will happen without her help, she goes to find Mary Sibly’s (Janet Montgomery) body to bring her back to life.
Even though the other witches are hesitant to bring her back (not knowing what she’ll be like when she returns), Tituba does convince them that they all started the mess to bring the Devil into John and they must attempt to fix their mistake.
Mary’s rebirth does open up so many avenues for where this season will go as it appears a battle between mother and son is on the horizon.
Lady in Red
Mercy Lewis (Elise Ebrele) has now taken over as the mistress of a brothel in the less savory side of town and happily runs it. When a young woman comes to here for work, talking about her drunk father who wastes the money she has earned as a prostitute in another part of town, Mercy plays a game of cat’s cradle to kill the girl’s father.
What is Mercy’s goal now? She’s still as powerful as ever, but what threat does she pose to John or the oncoming massacre.
Another War
John Aldin (Shane West) has been floating around the village, avoiding town proper, when he saves some refugees from French and Native American looters.
Captured by some members of the town, Aldin manages to convince the new Magistrate that his death will not solve the oncoming war. In exchange for his life, Aldin will lead the town’s militia against the French and Native Americas.
He still wants to find Mary and figure out the depth and breath of the witches in town, which won’t end well it seems. His son is too powerful right now (not only is John the Sibly heir, but his powers are far stronger than any other witch).
Where will this all lead? That’s the biggest question of this season’s Salem.
Check back in each week as Roz recaps the episodes, and look out for her thoughts on the Salem premiere event from the Paley Center later this week.