The Vampire Diaries: Sirens, Damon & 50 Shades of Grey
Wow! Season 8 (the final season *sniff sniff*) started with a bang! We picked up right where season 7 left off with Damon and Enzo on a creepy monster controlled killing spree. Crazy! We found out quite a bit in this episode so let’s dig in.
- Poor Bonnie. I mean seriously hasn’t she been through enough? I feel like we are never going to see her happy. Losing Enzo and Damon just broke her heart and I felt so bad for her. I really loved the flashback scenes of Bonnie and Enzo. I hope they get to the bottom of this so we can see Bonnie and Enzo back together. Shout out to Kat Graham for giving a great performance in this episode (and looking hot doing it).
- Damon and Enzo = Double trouble. Even though they are controlled by that creature thing, they still make a badass (and sexy) team. So we now know that they have to find people that have done bad things to “feed” the creature but why? And how many bodies does it need? All I know is that its super creepy and I hope this storyline doesn’t drag on too long because I’m already over it (the creature, not Damon and Enzo). When Bonnie and Stefan finally found Damon and Enzo, it was tough to see how much they didn’t care. Damon has given up and his love for Elena appears to be fading (key word appears – I think its still there somewhere). But the twist was that Enzo left clues for Bonnie, from a book they read together, to figure out what happened to him and Damon so there is still hope.
- Alaric and his hot nanny. I’ve never understood the concept of having a hot nanny;don’t they always cause trouble? Anyway, Alaric has a hot nanny that Caroline isn’t a fan of. She’s good with the twins until Virginia showed up and slit her throat. Luckily Caroline got there in time to save her and knock out Virginia. When Virginia came to, Caroline tried to get info out of her but all she said (before she died) was they shouldn’t have opened the vault and that the monster was coming for them. Uh oh. It looks like the twins are a target.
- Stefan and Caroline are still hot and heavy and they are adorable. I was not a Stefan and Caroline fan at first, but they have won me over. They are so cute and now they are going to be living together. Bow chicka wow wow.
- Sirens are among us. So at the end, we found out the creature is a siren and when she emerged from the bloody pool, she was quite beautiful. I smell trouble.
Favorite moment of the night: Damon laying out on a lounge chair reading 50 Shades of Grey. Hey he admitted he’s a fan of Chick-lit. Priceless!!
What did you think of the season 8 premiere? Let me know in the comment section below and tune in next week.
The Vampire Diaries airs Friday nights at 8/7c on The CW.