Timeless: 36 Thoughts While Watching “Atomic City”
Our trio of time traveling crime stoppers travel back to 1960’s Vegas in tonight’s episode of Timeless. While there they run into JFK’s mistress as well as Flynn. Fisticuffs ensue and the team tries to stop Flynn from completing his mission.
Here are my 36 thoughts on the episode:
1. Why are no ones surprise fiancés ugly?
2. If Lucy’s fiancé said we were happy and engaged then so be it!
3. Rufus is too good a guy to work for Connor Mason.
4. “We need to get there first” says Wyatt – has that ever happened.
5. How great are the costumes on this show? The sets, etc…
6. I wonder where I would go if I had a time machine?
7. It’s oddly sweet how Wyatt buckles Lucy into the time machine.
8. Wyatt knows some military history – not just a pretty face.
9. Is that really Sinatra singing? Like a recording?
10. What could Anthony’s motive really be for helping Flynn?
11. Flynn can’t keep kicking Wyatt’s ass. Delta force, Wyatt. Delta force.
12. When will our trio ever work on backstories before time travel?
13. The mob shared a mistress with JFK? That is something I didn’t know.
14. OH – Flynn is trying to wipe Rittenhouse from history. That’s a substantial clue.
15. Why are we okay with JFK having affairs?
16. So many affairs!
17. Wyatt is impatient, and a little rude.
18. Rufus on the other hand is just adorable. He’s so sweet.
19. Wyatt got taken down by a telephone. They were much sturdier in those days.
20. Campbell doesn’t sleep with just anyone. JFK, a General, a mob boss. Good for her.
21. Wyatt should not be messing with history!
22. The telegram being sent into the future is very Back to the Future of Wyatt.
23. Ha Ha – “It worked in Back to the Future II”
24. Flynn is there for a plutonium core? So that’s all bad, yes?
25. The car our trio “borrows” is awesome!
26. I really wanted our trio to say something about “wonder twin powers activate” before leaving the car. Can they get a handshake or something?
27. Oh Rufus – you are too trusting!
28. They left Vegas while Flynn still has the nuke.
29. Now Anthony is on the trio’s hit list.
30. Connor Mason had to ask his employee to start tracking the time machine? They weren’t doing that already? Or trying too?
31. Boo! Wyatt’s wife is still not alive in the present.
32. Lucy is breaking up with her fiancé? I get it on some level but on another level she must have loved him to live with him, be engaged, etc…She doesn’t even give it a chance?
33. Shame on her – he seems really decent guy.
34. Does Wyatt wear a gun holster in his day to day life? Cause it is hot.
35. “Without the why, how can we be sure we are on the right side of things?” Rufus is wise.
36. Oh look – just like that Connor Mason’s minion can locate the Mothership in the present. Seems like it would have been a priority sooner.
Timeless airs Monday 10/9c on NBC