Blindspot: “Condone Untidiest Thefts” {Roundtable}
Blindspot continues to keep us on the edge of our seats and this episode was action packed. See what Nice Girls Rueben, Cay, Roz & Lisa had to say about “Condone Untidiest Thefts.” Let’s dig in.
The bathroom scene with Patterson & Borden was adorable. It was great seeing her smile. How do you feel about their relationship? Have your feelings gotten better or worse?
Rueben: I’m glad to see them both happy. Patterson deserves some happiness after what happened to David, but there is just a small, lingering concern that I have about him – I can’t describe it or explain it – but I’m just not sure if he is 100% on the up and up.
Cay: I worry it’s too much, too soon, which just sets them up for some kind of disaster! Yeah, I know what you mean, Rueben, about Borden. I really like him, but it seems like he’s written in a way that is too good to be true. I REALLY hope it isn’t real, because I’ll be disgusted if we get another “accented foreigner they thought they could trust who they told all their secrets to turns out to be traitor” kind of plot. So cliche!
Roz: I’m uneasy about them right now because relationships on this show go south way too quickly. It’s probably not any better or worse since last week, but I reserve the right to think more about it later.
Lisa: Cay that is a good point. Let’s hope they don’t go the cliche route.
Lisa: I’m having a tough time trusting Naz (Archie Panjabi). I just can’t shake the feeling that she is up to something. Thoughts?
Rueben: Given what we know about her listening in to Borden’s “private” sessions with the team, I have to wonder what her end game is so, yes, I’m suspicious of her and have to wonder just what she’s up to.
Cay: The more interesting plotline would be that she ISN’T up to anything bad – that her motives are entirely pure, even if her methods a bit questionable. Although on this show, not sure anyone has entirely pure motives, except maybe Patterson?
Roz: She’s got more motives than I have prescriptions to take and not one of them is transparent for the audience. Her role in NSA makes that her MO, but sooner or later it’ll be bad for the team.
How do you think Jane felt when Ali told her that she was pregnant with Kurt’s baby? Do you think that information will push her closer to Sandstorm or bring her closer to the FBI team?
Rueben: I think she feels a bit hurt because she did have feelings for Kurt, but so much has happened since then that there she also has to know that any kind of relationship they could have had just wouldn’t have worked. I don’t know if his having a baby with Allison will push her in any direction other than to that Oliver guy. I think whatever Sandstorm has in mind for her next will push her either closer to their side or to the FBI.
Cay: It was a great way for her to find out, plot-wise. I’ll admit that I kind of expected that they might use her injury as a way to kill off the baby so they didn’t have to deal with it, but it seems that isn’t the case, so I think they have to see the pregnancy to fruition now. It sure seems destined to be a barrier between Kurt and Jane.
Roz: Jane’s compartmentalizing like a champ, but I think she’s taking everything in stride. I want her to stay away from Sandstorm, but I don’t know how this baby will affect anything.
Lisa: I definitely think she was shocked and hurt. But like Roz said, she took it like a champ.
Lisa: When Reade opened that cabinet and saw all of those video tapes I got sick to my stomach. Do you think he watched the tape? Do you believe he killed that sicko coach?
Rueben: As soon as he knocked on the wall and it sounded hollow, I knew it was going to be bad. I don’t know for sure if he watched the tape or not? Nor am I completely sure if he killed the coach or not. What we saw sure made it look that way, but the show has been great at misdirection so we’ll just have to wait and see what really happened. I want to believe that he wouldn’t go that far, but he has been going down a dark path lately so….
Cay: I suspect we won’t find out right away what really happened. They will drag it out a bit. It sure looked bad, though! But part of me feels like the guy got what was coming to him…I imagine Reade will get off in some way, because it seems too soon to lose his character.
Roz: I hope he didn’t watch that tape, but given the dead body I think he probably did kill that coach.
Lisa: Yeah, I hope he didn’t watch it either and I hope there is some twist to where he didn’t kill him and someone else did.
Do you think Kurt is starting to trust Jane again since she helped save Ali?
Rueben: I think her helping Ali was the stepping stone he needed to start rebuilding his trust in her, but I think there is a lot more to go before he can trust her like before.
Cay: I think Jane has just as many trust issues as Kurt, or at least I would if I were her – she can easily blame him for being tortured for 3 months! I think Jane is a good person inside because I think that is something that is somewhat inherent – if she was a bad person before, I think the new Jane would share some of those ethics, even if not the memories. So, I think a lot of the trust question is going to hinge on who/what Jane decides is the most righteous path forward out of the mess she’s in.
Roz: Yes, but it seems like one week they’re hot and one week they’re cold.
Lisa: This definitely was a step forward for Kurt but like Rueben said, there is still a long way to go.
Lisa: This Sandstorm plot has me stumped. We now know they are lying to Jane about her past. Any ideas what they are up to? How does the ring play into it?
Rueben: I really can’t figure out what Sandstorm has planned, but it’s going to be big, bad and ugly. I haven’t been able to figure out anything they have planned. As for the ring, it wouldn’t have been brought into play if it didn’t hold some significance.
Cay: MY PRECIOUS!!! Yeah, obviously it’s important, but ???. Patterson is awesome, but how could something like that be easily traceable? Unless it is very valuable, belonged to someone very important, or was involved in some sort of a crime…
Roz: I have no clue what they want, but it won’t be good.
Who is your episode VIP?
Rueben: Jane, for sure. She really stepped up, taking care of Ali; even to the point of carrying her out as those mob shooters closed in on them.
Cay: My MVP is almost always Jane!
Roz: Jane, for getting Ali to safety and doing her best to protect the evidence.
Lisa: It’s unanimous! Jane all the way.
Any other comments/thoughts/predictions?
Rueben: We saw a clip that Jane thinks she can turn Roman. I think that is a bad idea because he seems so brainwashed by Shepherd and whatever Sandstorm has planned. I think this idea will not turn out well at all.
Roz: I want to shout out to Rob Brown for this arc, because it’s some deft work.
Lisa: I really want to see how this Reade storyline unfolds. I also agree with Rueben, Jane trying to turn Roman is a bad idea. Can’t wait for next week to see what happens.
Blindspot airs on Wednesday nights at 8pm/7c on NBC.