Agents of SHIELD Roundtable: “Uprising”
Rueben, Roz, and Karen discuss Marvel’s AoS as they continue to face the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War, and the Sokovia Accords. There’s also the West Coast contingent with Daisy and Robbie “don’t let my bro know I’m a hot-head” Reyes to contend with, and the revival of Agent May.
1. Two episodes with Director Jeffrey Mace. How do you think he’s doing?
Rueben: Well, he got the “limelight” of announcing that SHIELD is back, but given that Coulson, Mack and Fitz (along with a big assist from Yo-yo) did all the heavy lifting, I’m finding him rather ineffective. He’s just the mouthpiece, it would seem, he needs to step up because he has big shoes to fill and he’s not doing that great of a job in my eyes.
Roz: I think he’s following a party line too much – given that he only tells the world about SHIELD at the end of the episode – but I like that he has some ideas and knows the politics of winning in a grave situation.
Karen: I actually dug him in this episode. I thought he worked well with Coulson, and I could see where they might’ve wanted someone who straddled the line between politician and Agent/Inhuman to be in the limelight. He knows what it’s like to be on the other side of that coin already, so it’s not like he’ll turn on his team like someone else might. So far, so good IMO. But Rueben, I think he might need to do a little lifting of his own later on – otherwise why put someone with power in that position? #Foreshadowing?

Bros bein’ Bros
2. We saw the defining line between Humans and “Powered” people/Inhumans in two situations in this episode. Yo-yo’s friend and Robbie’s brother. How do you feel about those two people being upset with Inhumans when they have folks close to them that are Inhuman?
Rueben: There wasn’t much difference between Yo-yo’s friend and Robbie’s brother when you come down to it. Yo-yo’s friend was just being rather bigoted – or mostly afraid – and acting, perhaps, on instinct or just a lack of knowledge. You’d think that years of friendship – which is what it seemed they had between them – would garner Yo-yo a little leeway with her friend. Robbie’s brother is obviously clueless about his brother’s “abilities” and just trying to protect him. It will be interesting to see what his reaction is when it’s revealed who Robbie really is – not quite sure how his brother will handle that reveal.
Roz: I’d rather not see something that reminds me of separatism, but it does seem like an Us vs Them sort of deal all around. Too bad we don’t have another group besides Inhumans to just muck things up (what? I’m bitter we can’t have X-Men in this world. UGH!) I actually see Yo-yo’s friend and Robbie’s brother as different. Robbie’s brother accepts Daisy as an Inhuman, but he doesn’t want her around to corrupt her brother. Yo-yo’s friend is just disgusted by Yo-yo.
Karen: This part of the story was unsettling for me for a lot of reasons. I mean, I see the symbolism and the “special episode”-ishness of the whole thing, and it definitely comes from a canon storyline in the comics, but because of our social climate I feel like we’re dancing on eggshells. It’s a trope-y thing, but it definitely fits in with the Marvel properties as they are now.

Knowing May, she *might* be listening…
3. May is back. Do you think there will be some PTSD-type blowback? Does she remember anything?
Rueben: I’m glad she’s back, but it was almost too quickly that she seemed to bounce back after her ordeal. There has got to be some residual affects on her body and mind after all of that. It’s the human brain – not a computer – and I think there is going to be some trauma that she’s gonna have to deal with it. I’m sure there will be some kind of memories that will arise at some point. Why else play this part of the story out, right?
Roz: Hopefully there’s nothing too damaging from the extra time without oxygen, but who knows now. Remembering anything from this could be disastrous because May’s already on a short fuse.
Karen: I have the same concerns that you guys have as well. I think that’s why I asked this question. Her storyline wasn’t the largest part of this episode, but this could either be a really frustrating character arc, or we could see some really amazing work from Ming-Na Wen because of it. Or… both?
4. Because of the EMPs, we saw some low-tech solution work by Fitz. I’m loving how integral he’s becoming to the team. What say you? 😉
Rueben: It was like watching Fitz become MacGyver. Thank God he could work low-tech or the team wouldn’t have been able to progress in their investigation. They would have been stuck at the side of the road with a dead car and no AAA in sight, you know? I think it’s great that Fitz has come into his own; and an even more integral part of the team than before.
Roz: ALL THE FITZ ALL THE TIME! I’m a fan, even if I’m bigger fan of FitzSimmons.
Karen: Oh man, I SO love the geekiness of FitzSimmons. They were ON. Frikkin. POINT. this week. I could’ve watched an entire episode comprising of Fitz saving the cities from EMPs and Simmons reviving May – and not missed the other stuff. But yeah, I get why it was there. (I think I need to get a corner of my nerd-card torn off for admitting that).
5. I’ve (Karen) mentioned a couple of times that Robbie has strong family issues. Do you have any thoughts about the developments in this episode?
Rueben: Well, Robbie can’t keep his “condition” secret forever. At some point his brother is going to learn, figure out or see what he really is. A secret that big (and fiery) can’t be contained for long. And given that they’ve mentioned the uncle several times now, that whole storyline needs to play out so we get answers to how his job at that energy plant plans into the overall theme of what’s going on in that world right now.
Roz: Robbie’s brother isn’t stupid, so I don’t know how long the “secret” is going to remain as such, but I think his brother wants to look out for him. Daisy isn’t a bad person around, but she’s not a good person around either so I understand wanting her gone.
Karen: Guh. This part of the show is frustrating me because I kinda want to just tell everybody what’s going to happen, but also, it’s not as big of a deal as it seems. They’re dragging it out, and it’s not going to be an “A-HA” moment. At least as far as I know it’s not. It’s heading in the direction I’m familiar with, so I’ll stay on course with my word as well. Mum.
6. Mack & Yo-yo. amirite?
Rueben: I think there is definitely chemistry there, but I don’t think Mack is going to forgive Yo-yo – just yet – for helping Daisy out and keeping it a secret from him and Coulson. But, again, there is definitely something brewing there.
Roz: Do we need another ship? I feel like when we have too many of them the stories are compromised.
Karen: I LOVE your answers here, because I left this question vague on purpose. *evil grin* They sure do spark off of each other, and I’m sure the show is setting us up for a ship, but do we need it? Nope. Personally, I hope it stays unresolved, because there’s nothing better than UST in two minor chara… what’s that? Did you say that’s a bad thing? I couldn’t hear you…
Favorite things? (lines/scenes/whatever)
Rueben: I had to admire Robbie’s brother for being so straight-forward with Daisy, telling her to get out, that his brother needed solid people (or whatever his exact words were) around him. He’s got gumption (as they used to say) that’s for sure. And, the scenes with Yo-yo using her abilities to disarm all those guys with guns – pretty cool special effects.
Roz: Fitz’s old school science for the win! I love low-tech stuff.
Karen: I gotta side with Roz here, Fitz was my hero all the way with his seat-of-the-pants thinking. Girls, flirt with the Quarterback, but marry the geek. If they both come in the same package… you win everything.

Check out the big brain on… the wall behind Emma.
Rueben: I have to say it was Simmons because she didn’t give up on May. She’s become a force to reckon with; and I wouldn’t want to be in her path when she is fighting for a friend. She was reaming whoever she was talking to about May’s condition as she was “crashing” and then she wouldn’t give up when they were trying to “reboot” her. That’s dedication and fierceness.
Roz: For the larger issue of the episode, I give it to Fitz for his low-tech win
Karen: We are of like minds ladies! I loved Fitz & Simmons in this hour of TV. Neither of them would give up on their mission until it was complete – and they both won in the end. Also, nerds know the value of a solid team, so Fitz relies on Coulson and Mack, while Simmons gets a hand from our resident Mad Scientist, Dr. Radcliffe. All of these qualities make up a hero, and FitzSimmons are both heroes with hearts of gold. Win/Win.
Next week on Agents of SHIELD:

“Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire” – As Ghost Rider’s quest for vengeance brings him into an explosive confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson and Mack must rely on an unlikely ally in their time of desperate need; and Daisy reunites with a familiar face to stop the Watchdogs, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network.
“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Chloe Bennet as Daisy Johnson, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leo Fitz, Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons and Henry Simmons as Agent Alphonso “Mack” MacKenzie.
Guest starring are John Hannah as Holden Radcliffe, Gabriel Luna as Robbie Reyes, Mallory Jansen as Aida, Axle Whitehead as James, Jose Zuniga as Eli Morrow, Kerr Smith as Joseph, Phil Tyler as watchdog #1, Sergio Enrique as guard, Tanner Fontana as Elliot and Lilli Birdsell as Lucy.
”Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire” was written by Matt Owens and directed by Brad Turner.