LUCIFER Roundtable: Sin-Eater
Lucifer continued to work out his Mommy issues while helping Chloe solve a case that revolved around someone punishing others for their misdeeds. Something Lucifer was equal parts upset bout (how dare they do his job) and interested in (why do they do it)
How many times can Detective Douche say demotion before you want him to shut the hell up? Although on the other side of things he did finally say the word divorce so – that is good, yes?
Karen: RIGHT?! I agree, they need to make the split for good if they want to send Trixie the right message. Although she seems to be taking things well already. Chloe and Dan are the ones dithering. (I think I called her Chlishy-Chloshy on twitter)
Melissa: Poor Douche, his little man ego is struggling with this demotion. Everyone pity him, please. That conversation about the D-word surprised me. He said ending the marriage was the provide stability for Trixie, but it sure seemed like he had an ulterior motive. A new woman in his life?
Lisa: Ugh…I just want him to shut the hell up anyway. Saying the word divorce was the best thing he’s ever said.
Mynda: They HAVE to do something MORE with DD’s story line. He needs to be more than just a punchline for Luci and a punching bag for Chloe.
Do you wonder if Lucifer had the same trouble adapting to his Earth form as his Mum is having?
Karen: I don’t know if I should compare the show to the comics, but if I do, he had no probs whatsoever. His defection is depicted inSandman: Season of Mists, and he’s shown lounging on the beach with a drink in his hand – not a care in the (human) world. In fact, he kinda savors it.
Melissa: Lucifer strikes me as someone who not only adapts quickly but gleefully to most change. I continue to find it amusing that he’s having trouble adapting to his Mum’s earthly form, though.
Lisa: That is a good question. For some reason, I don’t feel like Lucifer had the same challenges. He’s so confident I think he can adapt to any situation because anything is better than hell right?
Mynda: I think she will revel in the power and simply create chaos all around herself and everyone else.
Have you seen anything more sad than Amenadiel vacuuming up his feathers with a dust buster?
Karen: Wow. That was just… I was gobsmacked. The only thing worse would be if he were down on the floor picking them up by hand.
Melissa: So sad. Do you think Mum will be able to help restore his powers? As she noted to Lucifer, “I made him.”
Lisa: Yeah, I would say that was a rock bottom for him. I felt bad for him.
Mynda: That scene really hit hard. So. Damn. Sad. Amenadiel was sitting there on the floor and like a sore tooth he is checking his powers while simultaneously drowning his sorrows. Did you see the feather on his shirt as well? He is just like any one of us who goes through depression and the shame of it’s discovery is unbearable. It was hard to watch him accept a lie because anything for him now is better than the truth of what he is going through.
I’m watching Amendaiel drinking his wine and I am curious which angel is now guarding Hell?
Karen: Yeah, that’s the million dollar question now, isn’t it? If you remember the casting, there’s still an angel we haven’t seen yet. Wonder if he’s got anything to do with it. I have no inside knowledge here, the handover of hell that happens in the comics isn’t anywhere to be seen here.
Melissa: As Karen noted, we have a third angelic brother joining us soon. My guess is that he’s been filling in for Amenadiel, but then…who will fill in for him? How many brothers ARE there?
Karen: God and “Charlotte” are parents to EVERY angel. So… PLENTY. Sisters too.
Lisa: I know! I was thinking the same thing, and how I really wanted a glass of wine. Who is guarding hell? Maybe it is the Angel we have not met yet like Karen said.
Mynda: Well, there are several other “brothers”out there that we have yet to see.
What did you think of Lucifer’s punishment of his Mum?
Karen: Hilarious! Not what she expected methinks. On the down side, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. She’ll find a way to cause mayhem, as we’ve already seen in the closing shot. Momma’s got a taste for shenanigans.
Melissa: Clever! He gets to keep her around and punish her at the same time. He really is good at punishing!
Lisa: I definitely was not expecting that but it was pretty funny. I can’t wait to see her playing Mommy and housewife.
Mynda: Luci’s punishment was perfect, however I think he will regret it due to the chaos she is sure to cause.
Favorite joke/line?
-Trixie: “You’re lucky I like you.”
-Chloe: “Do not touch the charred crotch.”
-Lucifer: “Did you know that this room collects all the best parts of the Internet?”
-Lucifer: “‘Judgment Day’? Oh. People should really be careful how they use that phrase. It isn’t actually due for another couple of years.”
Melissa: Ella and Lucifer’s banter about the burned corpse at the beginning of the episode was so wrong, but so funny. “Fire crotch.”
Lisa: Do not touch the charred crotch!!!! Lol That was hilarious!
Mynda: LOVED the many varied puns related to the charred crotch!
Episode VIP?
Karen: I dunno, it was rather “ensemble-y” this week. If I had to pick someone, I guess it’d be Luc himself. He talked the bad guy (VIK SAHAY!) down, he got enthralled with porn, he doled out justice on mum, and he said some super cheesy lines. But otherwise, it’s hard to pick just one. They were all pretty good performances this week.
Melissa: Lucifer had the best lines and his insight cracked the case, so I’ll give him honors this week. I feel like Charlotte/Mum is poised to take it soon, though. She’s back in touch with Amenadiel, briefly met Dr. Linda, and is being reinserted into Charlotte’s life. It’s about to get real!
Lisa: Trixie! Even though she only had a quick scene , she was rocking those sunglasses and stole the show! Adorabe!
Mynda: Again for me it was Amenadiel
Lucifer airs Monday 9/8c on FOX