THE GOOD PLACE: “Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis” {Roundtable}
The Good Place continues to be a shining dark comedy, mixing situational irony with good old fashion jokes in a way that makes an interesting narrative.
This week, Eleanor (Kristen Bell) is making strides with her classwork, but at the expense of Chidi’s (William Jackson Harper) own personal happiness. Tahani is also struggling with her own feelings and all of this is happening with a sink hole still around. What a forkin’ mess!
1. Eleanor’s schooling is getting in the way of Chidi’s being in the good place. How do you want to see a give and take play out?
Roz: I want to see Eleanor be more selfless, which she did at the end with the sign and the boating trip, but it could be better to realize that they should only have a few hours of school a day rather than all day.
Leah: I like that by the end Eleanor probably did the nicest thing she has done yet. Letting Chili have a “Fork Off” sign is going to come in handy for him! I hope this kind of thing continues…I like them as friends.
Melissa: I was impressed that Eleanor recognized that her very presence is a utilitarian dilemma for Chidi, and did something selfless to compensate, thereby proving that Chidi’s lessons are working. I wonder how many people are Googling examples of ethical dilemmas at the end of each episode. This show might end up teaching us more about ethics than any college professor could ever dream.

THE GOOD PLACE — “Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis” Episode 109 — Pictured: (l-r) William Jackson Harper as Chidi, Kristen Bell as Eleanor — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
Mynda: In spite of herself Eleanor is ACTUALLY LEARNING something from Chidi. His very presence in her life is improving it. I predict they wind up being “soul mates” and proving the theory that anyone can be a life partner if each person is willing to work together.
Roz: Mel, I’m so ready to use this episode with teaching people about utilitarianism because it was perfect. My real life depends on people understanding how it works and why it’s good and bad.
2. Tahani’s life is not as perfect as she wanted everyone to know. Do you want to feel sorry for her for having a perfect sister?
Roz: Half of me does, but half of me also wants her to stop trying to be perfect as a competition with a sister she’s no longer close to. I know we need some sort of antagonist, but the “perfection” grates on me too much.
Leah: Poor Tahani. He sister might have been Banksy. I did feel sorry for her. She does seem like a truly good person.
Melissa: Very much. She was emotionally abused by both her parents and her sister. Her desperate need for approval makes so much more sense now.
Mynda: Tahani’s background reveals a truth that we often forget today. You never know what what has happened in someones past to result in current behavior. I love how this comedy points out deeper truths.

THE GOOD PLACE — “Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis” Episode 109 — Pictured: (l-r) Rebecca Hazlewood as Kamilah, Jameela Jamil as Tahani Al-Jamil — (Photo by: Ron Batzdorff/NBC)
3. Eleanor’s had a pretty wide-ranging life so far. Do you think her feelings on Unresolved Sexual Tension is just from movies or somewhere else?
Roz: I want to believe she has watched enough rom-coms to know about UST, but there may be something else.
Leah: To be honest I’m not sure.
Melissa: Knowing her, she’s done the hate-snog thing.
Mynda: It is most likely from her own experiences.
4. Mr. Human Lie Detector thinks that Chidi is hiding something. What do you think it is?
Roz: It’s not Eleanor’s position here, because he hasn’t seemed as nervous about it before. I think he’s been a guy who puts everyone else before himself so he’s not ready to admit what’s on his mind.
Leah: I think lying isn’t really in Chidi’s wheelhouse. So when he says everything is fine (and he’s lying) it shows. Whereas Eleanor is a career liar. She is better at covering.
Melissa: That he’s in a fake soulmate relationship with someone who isn’t supposed to be in the Good Place.
Mynda: Ditto Mel’s thoughts.
5. Favorite joke. Go.
Roz: The sheer number of extra froyo flavors felt like its own joke, but I did love the “Fork Off” sign. My life would be better with one.
Leah: Eleanor calling Chidi basic just cracked me up!
Melissa: Eleanor calling Chidi basic made me snort-giggle. I also quite liked the concept of froyo flavors that evoke a feeling – “that IS how I feel when my cell phone battery is charged!”
Mynda: I don’t know if this applies, but I NEED A “FORK OFF” Sign in my everyday life! Brilliant!
The Good Place airs Thursdays at 8:30PM/7:30 Central on NBC.