The Postables are back in an all new Signed, Sealed, Delivered from Hallmark and I have a confession. I love Hallmark movies, all of them. The fact that Eric Mabius is in this one doesn’t hurt either. The man was in Ugly Betty! If that wasn’t good enough his character in Signed, Sealed, Delivered quotes poetry, takes dance lessons and stands when you enter a room. *Swoon*
This episodes dead letter is mailed by a veteran suffering from agoraphobia, brought on by PTSD. His nephew actually mails the letter and confuses a prop mail box for the real thing. This is after he has spilled pb&j on it, dropped it in the street and got the letter caught in his bike chain.
The dead letter is more of a package. It contains an old t-shirt and a bucket list. Something the sender wanted to have reach Sandy before it was too late. While Oliver is busy bonding with this Father (they go camping) Rita and Norman decide to road trip to New Mexico in an attempt to figure out more on the letter sender.
Hiking is going pretty well, despite Olivier not being an outdoor kind of guy. In fact Oliver’s Dad figures out he saw the kid that miss delivered the letter. Unfortunately when he fell earlier his cell phone was damaged. They will leave at first light to make it back to the office. Oliver has to tell Shane what he learned about the sender.
Back in the office Shane is still trying to solve the case and Rita and Norman have made it to New Mexico. They are looking for the Mexican restaurant with the hottest mole, as referenced in the letter. They do taste tests at every restaurant – poor Norman.
Unfortunately for Oliver and his Father they are a little lost and the scratch his Dad got when he fell the night before has become considerably worse. When Oliver doesn’t show for work on Monday morning Shane panics and calls Oliver’s cop friend Dale. Big step for Shane as she is very jealous of Oliver and Dale’s friendship.
Rita and Norman finally track down Sandy – turns out Sandy is a combat dog. Topper, the sender, was paired with Sandy during a tour in Afghanistan. When they got back they both had PTSD. Norman and Rita find out the only way for Sandy to be reunited with Topper is if he buys her from the company that owns her. A private military company. Topper didn’t have that kind of money but Norman did in his power as Treasurer of the O’Toole Foundation. They purchase Sandy and start their road trip back to Denver.
In the woods Olivier’s Dad, Joe, is getting worse, while Shane and Dale wait for the Park Service to check for Joe’s truck. They get news and head to where Joe’s truck is found. Shane fills in Rita and Norman, who say they will head that way ASAP. In the mean time Dale comforts Shane while Oliver sits with his Dad who is going in and out of consciousness.
Now here is where things all start to come together…Norman and Rita show up at the park with Sandy. Sandy is a tracker and with a pep talk from Norman (and a sniff of Oliver’s choir robe) they are on their way to finding Oliver. Sandy comes through and Oliver and Joe are rescued.
Norman and Rita reunite Sandy with Topper and it is a tear filled very happy reunion.
Joe recovers in the hospital, thankfully he will be just fine and Oliver finds Shane in the hospital chapel. He makes a moving speech that basically amounts to an I love you and they sit together while the light dims.
Signed, Sealed, Delivered airs on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries