PITCH Recap: Beanball
Pitch is all new with another great episode. Ginny takes it upon herself to get revenge on the pitcher who injured one of her own. We get flashbacks to her first and only (as far as I can tell) relationship with a fellow ballplayer. The pitcher Ginny got called up to replace is coming off the DL this week and you know what that means – someone has to go back down the minors.
First off – Kudos for Pitch for throwing in a little breast cancer comment during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Is that Shamier Anderson playing Trevor Something? Love that man and now I miss Wynonna Earp!
Trevor Something made 2014 Ginny break her rule about dating ball players. It was going well until he got scouted by The Cardinals. Now two years later The Padres are playing The Cardinals and what do you know Trevor is the catcher. Ginny is less than happy.
Baseball isn’t a physical sport like football is but man they can clear a bench and beat on each other.
Unspoken rules of baseball – if you hit their pitcher, they will get you back in kind. Only this time they didn’t. Ginny doesn’t like being protected. She wants to be one of the guys. So instead of accepting it she goes after the other team causing an all out brawl.
I think…I think Tommy just gained a tiny glimmer of respect for Ginny.
Thanks to the all out fight, that started when Ginny hit the pitcher who put Tommy on the DL, Tommy fist bumps Ginny. This is as close to respect as I think we are going to get from him. No wait – he then invites Ginny out with the team for after game drinks. Progress.
Oh Al, you aren’t one to be underestimated.
Al is tricky. He does some fancy talking with one of the team board members and manages to secure his job. Then he surprises Oscar by speaking Korean. He advises Oscar that underestimating him could be dangerous.
Pitch airs Thursday 9/8c on FOX