TIMELESS: Time Travel Do’s and Don’t
Timeless is one of my favorite pilots so far this fall. Lucy, a world class historian, Wyatt,, a Delta Force soldier, and Rufas, a computer coder extraordinaire, go after Garcia when he steals a time machine. Sounds simple enough, but as anyone who has ever watched TV knows time travel is tricky. There are certain things you can and cannot do. Not that anyone ever listens to these warnings. To help you keep things straight let’s go over some time travel do’s and don’t.
Do: Be super attractive and look good in any time periods clothes.
Don’t: Travel in a small space if you are claustrophobic.
Don’t: Secure any paperwork near a launch site so everything can go flying in the air whenever a time machine takes off.
*Sidenote: Why would a company so advanced it created a time machine have so much paper laying around? Very bad carbon footprint if you ask me.*
Do: Stop in a speakeasy in Jersey in the 1930’s.
Do: Tell people your name is Dr. Dre and Nurse Jackie.
Do: Bring a coder from present day. He is funny and quirky and has good points about our messed up history.
Don’t: Get arrested unless you have an underwire bra. They come in handy.
Don’t: If you are the bad guy start a fight in the kitchen. There is always a cast iron pan around to take you down.
Do: Wonder what side of the cause you are on when the bad guy confronts you with your own journal. The journal he is using as his manifesto. The journal you haven’t even written yet.
Do: Have secret agendas – because that never goes south.
Do: Freak out when the future has changed. You may get your Mother back, but you lose your sister.
Timeless airs 10/9c on NBC