Karen’s Pull List: Series 01, Issue 02 – For the WE 09/25/16
It’s time for my first recap of the comic book shows that aired this week, so lemme just dig right in!

Mercedes Mason as Ofelia
Fear the Walking Dead 2×12: “Pillar of Salt”
I give this episode 7.5 Scotch Chasers
- Not Andreas’ Fault: Ilene blames Victor for killing her daughter, which is just UN-FREAKING-HINGED. Andreas has some medical training, so he’s going to try and patch Victor up, which means he asks for some supplies, and guess what… Elena just happens to know of a place.
- A near hit: I thought for sure that with so few episodes left in the series we’d start to get some crossover between the storylines. We came *really* close here in the warehouse, but Nick and Madison didn’t see each other.
- She’s the Captain now: In a weird show of power, Luciana asserts herself, not only over Nick, but implies she might have more pull over Alejandro than it seems. At the very least, this might lead to some friction between this newly formed couple.
- Come on Ilene: When do you decided that a person is more of a liability than an asset when the world is ending? The hotel gang is just starting to flourish when Ilene goes off. She was already off-kilter, but now will they have to do something drastic to stop her madness?
- I’m gonna cut a bitch: Meanwhile, this was LITERALLY my reaction to her stabbing Victor on the twitter masheene. If you watch any version of TWD, there are some characters you root for, even knowing they have a limited shelf-life. Strand is one of those characters for me. HANG IN THERE VICTOR!
- Get Thee To a Nunnery: Ofelia took off in the truck, as everyone and their cat suspected. She’s gone all West-Coast-Carol on us and has started taking out zombies with a hammer. We see some flashbacks to her past with her fiancee, and to her homelife with Daniel and Griselda.
- Riding off into the… hotel-set? Travis is not sure what to do with Chris, and he’s seemingly given up on him. He sees the lights that Madison left on (in the hopes that Nick will find her), and decided to follow them, walking off into the distance.

Camren Bicondova as Selena Kyle
Gotham 3×01: “Better to Reign in Hell”
I give this episode 8 Appletinis
- Apathy on the Bounty: Could anyone be more ready to phone it in than Jim Gordon at this point? He’s ready to just take his money and drown himself in booze.
- To serve man: Babs and Tabby have a nightclub. I don’t know about you, but I’d love to take a peek in that establishment – as long as it’s ladies night. I mean, it’s probably safe then, right? (and if you don’t get the reference from my title, go look it up #TwilightZone)
- That girl is gone: It looks like Lee has moved on… for now.
- She’s past her expiration date: Fish is not doing well. It may be something all the Indian Hill gang share? Whatever the dealio, she. is. jonesing.
- Literally the second Barnes was back: Bullock said at the end of Season 2 that he’d stay in charge of GCPD until LITERALLY someone else took the job. He did.
- The Future Bat and the Pauper: David Mazouz has already started playing his dual roles, and it’s being done very well. A little foreshadowing to those of us familar with the comics, but I won’t spoil it. Just keep an eye on my “Motley Crew” area for more.
- Fox left the hen-house: Lucius left Wayne Industries, and that should really surprise no-one. Bruce isn’t in charge yet, so we still have the corrupt board. He won’t be back until there’s a change up top.
- Crazy mixed-up kids: We got to see quite a lot of the next-gen Gothamites this week. Bruce came back to town and met with the big guns, Selena ran with Fish and Ivy, while Ivy got a little too ambitious for her own good. Ivy and Selena both had run-ins with a certain doppelganger, but I’m sure there’s more to come with that story.
- Power Playing: As mentioned before, Bruce met with his Board of Directors, and he’s none too pleased with how they’ve been running things. He’s going to make a fist, and the Court of Owls isn’t happy about it. That man the masked lady sent to bump Bruce off? He’s quite sharp.
- The middle of a weird-ass friendship: While Ed isn’t quite sure why Oswald is still being nice to him, Penguin knows he needs some extra smarts in his corner. I love these two villains – and because the showrunners know that – they’ll keep ’em together.
- Her Motley Crew: Okay, they’re not ALL Fish Mooney sidekicks, but here are a few of my observations/guesses – Sid (speed) & Nancy (ninja-esque), Killer Croc, The Man-Bat, Marv/Parasite(?), Older Talon, Pre-Talon (I don’t want to elaborate more here – too many spoilers)
- And lastly, I think I can retire my “Miracle Gro” joke now, right?

Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer 2×01: “Everything’s Coming Up Lucifer”
I give this episode 8.5 Sparkly Tiaras
- The (S)Hell Game: Luc seems to be a little paranoid right now. He knows his mum is somewhere, and he’s seeing her everywhere he looks. However, as the saying goes, she was in the last place he looked. And it seeemed as though she wasn’t exactly in the kind of shape one needs to be in to be hunting someone down to kill them…
- Maze Runner: While hinted at near the end of last season, it seems that Maze has a new confidant in the good doctor Linda. And is her timing interesting, or does it seem to coincide with a certain escape?
- Reinstated, and it Feels so Good: Detective Douche is back, although demoted, and Lucifer is none too pleased. Although I’m good with it. I like the character very much, and having someone to push Lucifer’s buttons that isn’t Chloe is pretty funny.
- Blood Brothers & No Staying Power: Mr. Morningstar is tired of not being believed, so he’s ready to let Chloe test his blood and get her answer about him once and for all. Amenadiel can’t have that, so he makes a big show of putting on a “performance” for Chloe – trying to explain away Lucifer’s injuries as just trickery. The detective ain’t buyin’ it though, and wants to remain skeptical because she “needs the eggs.”
Meanwhile, the two brothers have both experienced a little fizzle in their sizzle. Should they be worried? #viagra? - Yadda Yadda Yadda: Yeah, there was actually a case this episode. it was about a starlet given an overdose by her “mother.” It was pretty much an excuse for Lucifer to expect his mother was everybody they ran into, and fairly forgettable. I excuse the “case of the week,” because that’s not why I’m watching.
- He’s No Hendrix: Yeah, but he’s Tom Ellis, and man, when they get him to sing… my cougar is roaring. The music in this show is ON. POINT.
Agents of SHIELD 4×01: “The Ghost”
I give this episode 8 Exploding Pens
- Aye Yai A.I.: So, Radcliffe has been a-tinkerin’ and made a “container” for AIDA. Did he not see “Age of Ultron?” He insists that she’s not really a true A.I., but a mimic – we’ll see.
- Charger? I hardly knew ‘er!: Ghost Rider! My husband’s all-time favorite comic book character. we were thrilled that he was going to be in AoS, and we weren’t disappointed. Not only was the character introduced well, the special effects were amazing. True to form, he seems to be the hand of justice – sent to deal with sinners on earth. He can’t act without certain criteria, and that’s sure to be important down the line.
- Not just a rider, some walkers too: Okay, a mist/ghost lady that causes hallucinations… this cannot be good. Especially when May is affected. NOPE.
- One Less Fear the Walking Dead Cast Member?: We also find out near the end of the episode that Robbie (Ghost Rider) has a little brother to take care of. He’s played by FtWD’s Lorenzo James Henrie (Chris). If you’re watching that show, you probably know that he’s tempting fate right now, and if he doesn’t make it – perhaps he’s going to have a home on AoS.
Well, that’s it for this week guys and gals! Here’s what I’ll be talking about next week:
Luke Cage 1×01: “Moment of Truth” (I’ll be doing one episode a week)
Fear the Walking Dead 2×13: “Date of Death” AMC 9pm Eastern
Gotham 3×02: “Burn the Witch” Fox 8pm Eastern
Agents of SHIELD 4×02: “Meet the New Boss” ABC 10pm Eastern
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