INTERVIEW! Aaron Ashmore Prepares Fans for KILLJOYS “Shocking” S2 Finale
Killjoys season two finale airs tonight and there are so many questions!
How will Johnny survive the shocking loss of Pawter? Will the best bounty hunting team in the Quad weather the fall-out from from Johnny’s deception? Dutch (Hanna John-Kamen), D’avin( Luke Macfarlane) and Johnny (Aaron Ashmore) together remade the definition of family. What happens to that relationship when the grounding force of the triad looses his way? Who will be the voice of reason?
I recently had the opportunity to take all these swirling question to Aaron Ashmore. His portrayal of Johnny Jaquobis is, in this NiceGirl’s opinion, the beating heart of Killjoys. Aaron gave us his spoiler-free take on what is sure to be an incredible season finale.
Before we talked about this season’s ending episode, Aaron spoke of how Killjoys began and his hopes for it’s future. “I really enjoyed how this show has grown and developed. They [the show creators] did a good job of setting up the complex story in the first season. The second season builds on that dynamic. Seeing these dynamics play out is an amazing ride. I love all of these characters, [and] I hope that we get to continue, because there is a lot more story to tell.” (Update: The story will continue as Syfy announced Thursday, September 1, it has renewed Killjoys for a third season.)
“John was very even keel in the first season. He was the voice of reason. John has switched gears and is really acting out of his heart. He’s fallen in love. I don’t think that Pawter (Sarah Power) has made him do anything. He’s making decisions for himself. John is sort of falling off the deep end by the end of the season and is [emotionally] where D’avin was last year. Completely shaken up. Off kilter. I think in season three Dav will be supportive of John whereas John was supportive of Dav in season one.” says Aaron.
A big part of the success of Killjoys is the the story and compelling characters. Aaron shared his ideas on that topic when he spoke about the twist of Dutch’s relationship with the brothers. “Most times in TV, it is the women that are more connected to their emotions. [with Killjoys], they have switched that, [and] these two men are very in touch with their feelings.”
Dutch’s worst fear was spoken aloud by Sabine (Tori Anderson) in episode seven when she hit the female bounty hunter with some heavy truths. “Because they feel so damn much. It’s intoxicating. Isn’t it? Being so close to people who aren’t afraid to love. They haven’t figured out how broken you are yet.” Aaron loved that interaction and added, “[Dutch] is afraid of the person she might be because of what has happened to her with Khlyen.”
Speaking of relationships between characters, episode six featured a huge surprise much to the delight of fans. In the episode Lucy (Tamsen McDonough) came to life when her AI was temporarily transferred to a Bot. This allowed Johnny and Lucy Bot to kiss and sparks ensued. Literally! “They [the fans] wanted it and they got it,” said Aaron. Everyone really wants that AI love story to happen. She [Tamsen] does such a fantastic job. Working with her for the week was tons of fun.”
The fun was short lived when, in episode nine, the lies Johnny told his team came to light just before his lover, Pawter, (Sara Power) was killed. Aaron gives his take on Johnny’s experiences and his reaction when he learned Pawter would die.
“For John, his path is definitely changed in a major and unexpected way. I did not see what was coming for John. He is in a completely different space than from where he started. I have no idea what the writers are going to do. It is very exciting.”
In an earlier interview, Tamsen McDonough shared her characters advice to fans regarding the season finale. The snarky, spaceship Lucy would say; “Strap in, shields up and brace for impact!” When asked about Johnny’s advice, Aaron at first was stumped and quipped, ” Tamsen is too clever.” He later replied, ” The last two [episodes] are pretty emotional. So I’d say, ‘Get your tissue box ready and [then] brace for impact.'”
With all the talk of the finale and hearing the terms “shocking” and “unexpected.” I was a bit rattled and expressed as much to Aaron in closing the call. Aaron calmly replied, “Don’t be afraid. It’s gonna happen. Its okay.”
I certainly hope so. Thankfully we now know this well-crafted complex world will get a third season. Who will survive this one, is anyone’s guess. Please join with me (@PxlWvr) and NiceGirls (@NiceGirlsTV) as we live tweet the season finale! I will be sure to have my Kleenex on standby!
For more on Killjoys, check out our earlier cast interviews with Hannah John-Kamen, AaronAshmore , Luke MacFarlene and Tamsen McDonough.