5 Wonderfully Weird Moments from KILLJOYS 2.08 ‘Full Metal Monk’

1. Exploding Eyeballs!
D’avin Really is a Wizard! Even though Hooligan Ducat was a Level Six, the poor guy didn’t stand a chance when he accidentally mind squished his head! D’avin was so freaked out by the event that he asked Alvis to “Monk me up a bit.” This Killjoy will be unstoppable once he gets control over his
newly formed skills!

Pree is very fashion forward and is particularly stunningly handsome in his new bling. Who knew our favorite Warlord Bartender had the voice of an angel? Well, of course he does! Seriously, Pree has more layers than an onion! Hopefully next time we will get to hear more of that beautiful voice.

3. Ancient Plasma Injected Assassin Monks!
Alvis, Dutch and D’avin make a gruesome discovery in the form of some seriously failed Red 17 experiments. What a terrible way to go! After seeing the outcome of those early experiences I am really grateful D’avin survived what was done to him.

4. You’re the Devil!
The one surviving Monk spoke some terrible news to Dutch which had some decidedly shades of Vader in it’s delivery. Apparently Dutch’s doppelgänger Aneela identifed Khlyen as her FATHER! NOOOOO!

5. Lethal acid trips!
When Pawter and Johnny get too close to the truth Jelco moves ahead of schedule in implementing the wall program. The two are so high on life they are helpless to stop him from killing their only ally in the Nine Families. And, if that wasn’t enough, in true sadistic form, Jelco even takes the time to pose Johnny and Pawter in a
seriously incriminating photo.
All of these delightfully demented revelation leaves me with several burning questions.
• What are the Nine’s plans for the people of Old Town?
• Is Khlyen Dutch’s Father?
• Will we hear more of Pree’s lovely voice?
Be sure to live tweet with me, @PxlWvr and @nicegirlstv as we live tweet each episode. For more on Killjoys, check out other cast interviews; Hannah John-Kamen, AaronAshmore and Luke MacFarlene and Tamsen McDonough!