BEST Photo’s of STAN LEE from Shatner Singularity Universe at San Diego Comic Con 2016
Shatner Singularity Universe panel was held on Friday, July 22 2016. This was my fifth Comic Con and I love sitting in on panels that aren’t on the assignment list. This year, one of my favorite moments happened when Stan Lee crashed one of those “just-for-fun” panels.
Stan. FREAKING. Lee. Stan, in my mind, was like a mythical Con Unicorn. I had always hoped one day my path would cross with Mr. Lee, but the event was so unlikely that it seemed unattainable. I am not ashamed to admit, this Nice Girl cried happy geek tears when Stan took the stage!
Stan made an appearance at this panel in lieu of William Shatner who was unable to attend. Shatner’s creative team gave fans a sneak peek at a new digital medium. Stan Lee’s poem, God Woke, was one of the novels brought to life in digital and print from.
Check out the images below for highlights of this event and stay tuned for video in the days to come! Need more SDCC 2016, click here for all our coverage! Do you have a Comic Con moment you would like to share? Tweet your #SDCCMoment to me @PxlWvr.