3 Reasons Why WE LOVE Lucy TOO! KILLJOYS 2.06 ‘I love Lucy”

1. She is loyal.
Lucy and Johnny’s friendship is unshakable. The ship’s OS continually goes against her own programming to accommodate his requests. We’re not going to lie. Their bond a tad creepy, but then again, creepy is cool!

2. She is Bad Ass!
App Lucy is hysterical! I love her fascination with opposable thumbs! If there was ever any doubt, this episode confirmed the truth. Lucy in corporal form kicks ass and is willing to sacrifice herself for those she loves. “You’ve got me.”

3. She is utterly adorable!
I love how Lucy took the time to touch John admitting this was something she had always wanted. Little did we know, she was just warming up for the kiss! And, what a kiss it was! Smokin’ HOT! “Thank you for the data.”