MR ROBOT: Recap unm4sk-pt1.tc & pt2.tc
Mr. Robot s2e1 part 1 & 2
After last seasons finale revealing that Tyrell and Mr. Robot have been planning the attacks and a bigger picture all along we pick right back up with Elliot and Tyrell running the hack and Elliot reaching for the gun hidden in the popcorn maker at f society. We the cut to flash back with some perspective on Elliot’s life growing up with his father.
Now month after the hacks and the world has changed and Elliot is sticking to a strict schedule, going to aa meetings, and journaling. Isolating himself from all the people at fsociety is his attempt to keep Mr. Robot at bay. The two spend this episode struggling for control as Mr. Robot reminds Elliot that “control is an illusion”.
Gideon pay Elliot a visit and threatens to out him as being behind the attacks. This pushes Mr. Robot to suggest hurting him. Elliot struggles more with control.
Back at Fsociety the group is busy chopping the “balls” off Wall Street, hacking Evil Corps attorneys smart house to scare her away and celebrating the downfall of Evil Corp. Marlene is not amused at their carelessness with social media and complacency. We’re left with questions of what comes next in their journey to taking down Evil Corp. Marlene makes it clear that this is not over yet!
Meanwhile the public is panicking as fsociety deals another blow to Evil Corp encrypting all of their files so they have no access and demanding money. With no way of decrypting the information the bank is left with no option but to pay the ransom.
Back on the streets of New York we find Evil Corps CTO carrying a duffle bag across the park. Phil Collins “take me home” sets the epic title scene. A message carrier rolls up with a backpack that has an fsociety mask with directions on it. With time a factor he puts the mask on dumps the cash out, covers it in light fluid and lights it on fire as bystanders film.
D.C. Wants Evil Corps a CEO to resign but he refuses wanting to regrow and repair all the damage that was done by keeping the public confidence through conning them into thinking everything is ok. It’s clear that Evil Corp has a great deal of political power here.
We then catch up with Joanna Wellick is shacking up with an unknown young man and Tyrell is no where to been seen a month after we saw him with Elliot reaching for that gun. Later when the young man is gone she gets a mysterious gift box with a phone hidden on the bottom of it. Could this be Tyrell?
Elliot meets Ray who knows a bit more than Elliot is comfortable with about his past with computers and quickly brushes him off to keep Mr. Robot away and under control. In their second encounter Ray continues to befriend Elliot mentioning a conversation they had the previous night. This moment shocks Elliot into understanding that Mr. Robot really does still have all the control.
Angela’s new raise and position has given her workplace enemies, a sweet new apartment and a take control approach to her job. She’s no longer the weak timid character from last season. She’s decided to stay at Evil Corp rather than continue cooperating with Natar. This is a stark shift in Angela’s character from last season as she no longer seems to bend as easily to others wills.
We meet FBI agent Dippero at the market and follow her into work where she sits down with Gideon where we don’t see him again until the very last few minutes of the episode at a bar where an attractive young man approaches him and starts to hit on him and then begins to push him about being a patsy for Evil Corp right before killing him.
We fade out with Tyrell’s wife putting her baby down for bed as the mystery phone rings. Elliot calls a number and speaks to Tyrell. Could it actually be him or could Mr. Robot have killed him? Hopefully we find out next week!
So many question with this two part season opener! Where exactly is Elliot? What happened to Tyrell? What is on the way for the rest of the characters as they navigate the new post hack world?
Mr. Robot airs Wednesdays on USA